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6.12.10 / 6.12.9 Reboots when disks mounted and parity check started

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi there,


I've been running unraid for a long time (10 years).  I've had problems here and there, but this one I think is gonna be hard to nail down.  I do think it's a h/w issue due to:


  • server being stable for years
  • keeping up with latest releases
  • downgraded to 6.12.9 and same exact issue as 6.12.10


syslog shows nothing about any kernel panics or anything like that. 


If I let the server sit for a few days with no disks mounted, it will stay up. 

As soon as I start a parity check, it will reboot within 5 minutes with no indication of problem in syslog.  I wonder if I've got some weird power supply issue where with disks not spun up and under no load, no issues, but disks spun up, under load, reboots. 


Any thoughts on this one?  I have 6 disks , 2 parity and 4 data. 


I'm thinking throw a power supply in it first?


Thanks.  Here is latest diags before manually downgrading versions. 




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20 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Server rebooting on its own is almost always a hardware issue, if it does it mostly under load, first things to check would be PSU and to a lesser extent, the temps.



Thanks JorgeB, yeah that's what I was suspecting as well more so after I downgraded.  I guess I'll throw a PSU at it and see if it resolves.  Will update the post after I do that in a few weeks. 

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Update: Replacing the Power Supply with a new one stopped the rebooting.  Thank goodness it was an easy fix.  Super bizarre failure.  The old power supply that introduced the instability/reboot was a thermaltake 550W SP-550 which looks like I ordered around 2015 for something.  The age lines up with expected EOL.  It wasn't a particularly good one at the time of purchase.  I've replaced it with a seasonic focus gx-750 (totally overkill but was cheaper than the 550W with a better warranty).  I've learned over the years to buy the best PSU you can afford!  Just wanted to provide the update.  Thanks!

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