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Array stopping for unknown reason & system restarts unknown reason

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1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

If it is, then it's specific to your setup, so very difficult for Unraid to fix.


So it restarts with no containers or VM's while in safe mode?


- Running both [Safe Mode] & [GUI w/o Array] didn't cause any crashes.

- It seems turning on the array is causing crashes...and the crashes happen more frequently if i run all my docker containers.


I do not run VMs at this time, only docker.  It is something to do with docker i think, given it only crashes when i turn the array on.


However, i did the change to IPVLan rather than MacVLan. My setup doesn't seem too unique, i have one ethernet port, that feeds into my pfSense router. The pfSense has vlan tags of: 0, 1 & 2. The networks on UnRaid match those tags and get assigned ip addresses from the router, not frmo the Docker network. That's it.


Im currently running a grand total of 2 containers, one being Plex.




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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/24/2024 at 10:03 AM, JorgeB said:

To confirm, booting in safe mode and starting the array, while leaving the docker and VM still reboots?

Sorry for late reply - i've been between houses, but should be settled now.


Do you mean go into safe mode, turn on the array and do not start docker or vms ?

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