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Docker Container webpage port mappings column is blank

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So after a restart and parity check due to an unclean shutdown the other day, no docker containers were showing. I reinstalled them from previous apps. That went well but now the port mappings column is blank where it used to show the port that a container was using. I'm not sure that it is related but additionally, I have the "Macvlan and Bridging found" error msg. I've already changed my Dockers setting to ipvlan and rebooted but the error persists.  Any help is appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Having the same problem here with dockers using Br0 connections, qbt went about the same time as your post was made but i then updated another container yesterday and it has went the same way. I can still access them though IP/Port but the containers can no longer be accessed by the WebUI dropdown. I updated from 6.12.10 to .11 last night to see if it would help but its still the same.

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On 7/18/2024 at 8:46 AM, Scattman said:

Having the same problem here with dockers using Br0 connections, qbt went about the same time as your post was made but i then updated another container yesterday and it has went the same way. I can still access them though IP/Port but the containers can no longer be accessed by the WebUI dropdown. I updated from 6.12.10 to .11 last night to see if it would help but its still the same.

A system update didn't fix my issues either. From (6.12.x to 6.12.10)

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On 7/18/2024 at 2:46 PM, Scattman said:

Having the same problem here with dockers using Br0 connections, qbt went about the same time as your post was made but i then updated another container yesterday and it has went the same way. I can still access them though IP/Port but the containers can no longer be accessed by the WebUI dropdown. I updated from 6.12.10 to .11 last night to see if it would help but its still the same.

I've also been experiencing what appears to be the same issue for the last few weeks. I've tried upgrading to 6.12.11 to no avail.


One thing I have noticed however, is that the issue occurs after applying an update to a container. For me, it seems to be affecting @binhex containers only at present. Those that haven't been updated for a while (e.g. Lidarr) still show their mappings, where as other such as Radarr, Sonarr, Codeserver have now lost them. I'm using macvlan networking, but have also tried switching one or two to bridge but with no joy.


I believe the missing port mapping are then having a knock-on effect on the WebUI URLs as the IP/Port replacements are not firing, rather the 'raw' URL is being used on the page:



I can still access the services by manually entering the IP:Port in a browser. It more of an annoyance really, rather than a major issue.


The latest containers to be affected, last Sunday, were may Radarr ones. I took a couple of screenshots:


Before update:


After update:



Nothing else has changed other than applying a container update.


Example run command:

docker run
  -e TZ="Europe/London"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="server"
  -e 'TCP_PORT_7878'='7878'
  -e 'UMASK'='000'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:7878]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/radarr-icon.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/data/':'/data':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-radarr'



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue on my server (v6.12.11).  However, I can't recall if it was present in the previous version though. -- On a possibly unrelated note, I did have to remove and re-add a lot of my Docker containers about a month or so ago when many of them failed to work/start after power cycling the server.  In addition to that, I had to rebuild my br0 network in the Docker settings (can't recall if I rebuilt the Docker IMG file or not). Thankfully, I did not have to delete/restore the app data for any of the containers.


Almost all of my Docker containers are on br0 with static IPv4 addresses, except for a few that are in bridge mode.  However, about half are completely blank in the "Port Mappings" column of the status page and are unable to load the "WebUI" option.  Like @Andrew Piper said, the URLs are still accessible if you manually enter them in your browser.  I also would rather not hard code them in the Docker config in the event that I want to change the IP addresses in the future (would just be one more step to worry about).


Also, just like @Andrew Pipermentioned on his system, all of my affected ones are @binhex images.

Edited by MarkRMonaco
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