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zpool history for cache drive shows dataset for one share being destroyed and created every day

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I upgraded my cache last September to a mirrored zpool of two SSDs. It is my first time using zfs. Lately I've been getting temperature warnings for both SSDs, and haven't been able to figure out why. I did notice one thing that seemed odd - the zfs dataset corresponding to one of my shares getting destroyed and recreated every day.


Output from zpool history:

2024-07-01.03:40:02 zfs destroy cache/ben
2024-07-01.03:43:45 zfs create cache/ben
2024-07-02.03:40:01 zfs destroy cache/ben
2024-07-02.03:47:29 zfs create cache/ben
2024-07-03.03:40:11 zfs destroy cache/ben
2024-07-03.03:41:10 zfs create cache/ben
2024-07-04.03:40:02 zfs destroy cache/ben
2024-07-04.03:45:12 zfs create cache/ben
2024-07-05.03:40:03 zfs destroy cache/ben
2024-07-05.03:49:03 zfs create cache/ben


Diagnostics attached.


5 shares hit the cache.

3/5 are "primary storage cache, exclusive access", and their dataset was created 9/19/23.

2/5 are "primary storage array", and their datasets were created 6/24/24 (shared) and 7/14/24 (ben).


The timestamps line up with when Mover is scheduled to run. Is this a thing Mover is expected to do with a zfs cache?


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According to the diagnostics

b-n                               shareUseCache="yes"     # Share exists on cache, disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk5, disk6, disk7, disk8, disk9, disk10

which shows ‘ben’ share has primary storage set to cache and secondary storage as array.  This disagrees with how you say you have it set up.

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