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Not connecting to server

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This has been a recent issue that has come up. I’m accessing my unrated server from a Windows PC, but this will happen on my phone or tablet try and disconnect also.

It seems like this happens overnight, but I’ll try to access unraid and cannot. I was able to ping the server address. I also made sure that my static IP address for my server was outside the range of DHCP in my router as someone had suggested.


Seems like once I reboot the server it’ll be fine and then I’ll go to access it the next day or the following day and I won’t be able to get into it.


Looking for some direction on some things to try. I just upgraded to the new 6.12.11 to see if that might help which it has not.  I’ve made sure all my doctors and plug-ins were current.

fix common problems shows the Maclean and bridging found but I’ve been having that message for a while with no problems.  I had read if you were not having issues to not mess with it. Not for sure if that could be causing part of the problem as well. Thanks.


also, even though that I can ping it, for instance, Plex will not be able to be accessed.   It also doesn’t matter if I leave my windows PC up or I shut it down overnight I was still not able to access it and I have to do a hard reboot. Once I reboot the serve everything works fine. I don’t know if there is any power management settings on the network card to check?

Edited by tank101
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I did not have it set up correctly, so it was not storing logs however I resolve that. Got up this morning and was unable to access it again. I did get my status email at 12:20 AM. Thanks for your patience and help trying to figure this out thanks

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Did it twice in last couple days.  Here is server log.  With new router I had it static but tried switching it to a static IP and then designating that IP in the router via the Mac address so that way it’s basically status from the router to see if something was going on in the router. Also extended the renew DHCPIPP’s for 30 days to see if that possibly had anything to do with it..  could it be a network card in server?  Thanks


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Other then a failed balance due to not enough space, there's nothing relevant logged, one thing you can try is to boot the server in safe mode with all docker containers/VMs disabled, let it run as a basic NAS for a few days, if it still crashes it's likely a hardware problem, if it doesn't start turning on the other services one by one. 

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I went to connect to Plex and was unable again a little bit ago. I logged into my servers and it’s showing that it is online, which I had not noticed before.   Another thing I noticed said that deluge vpn up time was like three minutes.


I’m not home to check it on the local network, but if there was a problem with deluge docker restarting, could that knock it off the local area network or cause the other dockors not to connect?


I think the network card is working as it should. I did buy another one. I don’t wanna put it in if this one is working. I also switched over to iplan instead of mavlan, as somebody suggested

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