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Server Boot - Black Screen/BIOS

Go to solution Solved by Veah,

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Several months back, I was troubleshooting an Unraid issue and ended up resetting my BIOS settings to default.

Fast forward to now, my server works as expected. Except after a reboot. 


When I reboot my server, it does not immediately boot into my Unraid flash drive. Instead, will sit in a blank-black screen or immediately go into the BIOS. 


The only way to fix it is to unplug the Unraid flash drive, and plug into a different USB port. I'm sure it's a simple setting somewhere in my BIOS, but I cannot figure it out and hope someone might have a suggestion for me.

Each and every time after a clean shut down or reboot. It does not matter the USB port.





Thank you,

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7 minutes ago, stephenmoore33 said:

Can you please elaborate a little more?

Different motherboards have different settings exposed, I don't know what options you have available. Exhaustively go through each CMOS item and subitem, sometimes advanced settings are hidden under sub menus.

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