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Unraid 6.12.13 (Stable) - Can an array and its Unraid USB system drive be moved to a new Server in the event the NAS motherboard dies?

Go to solution Solved by Rysz,

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Hello...sorry if this has been covered before, but I could not find any previous postings on this topic when I searched before posting this.


My motherboard on my NAS is dying. LAN ports and USB headers and PCIe slots are already dead.


My Unraid USB stick and the array are intact (so far). Am I able to move the drives and the Unraid USB to another NAS build with a new motherboard? Would it involve restoring the UNraid USB system files from Flash backup onto a new USB stick because of the change in hardware?


Please advise/help, as I am trying to be proactive and salvage my array and setup prior to my NAS mobo dying altogether.


Much appreciated,



Current System: 

EVGA X79 Dark motherboard

Intel i7-4930X CPU (6 cores/12 threads)

32 GB DDR3-2100 MHz RAM (8 sticks x 4 GB)

Corsair AX-1200 PSU.




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