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Disk 7 (of 7) repeatedly errors out across multiple drive replacements

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Unraid Plus

v. 6.12.13


I am a total newb at this so please pardon both my ignorance and any failures to initially provide any necessary data. 


I set up my Unraid server about a year ago (IIRC) and have had this problem for probably 3/4 of that time. I started off with all 2TB HDDs reclaimed from other systems but they were all identical drives. As my array began to fill up, I began upgrading to larger drives. I checked one day 6+ months ago and found that drive 7 was disabled. I figured it had just died as they were all old drives. I replaced it with my last 2TB drive and set it to repair Disk 7. It errored out and remained disabled. I figured that last old drive must have been bad as well and replaced it with my last [new] 4TB drive.


Again, during the rebuild process, it errored out and would not complete the rebuild. I replaced the 4TB drive with a 6TB drive which did the same thing. An acquaintance who is much more familiar with unraid (he's the one that got me started) suggested that the problem was likely either the SATA cable or port but I've switched both the cable out as well as plugged the new cable into a different SATA port on the motherboard as well as moving the cable over to the SATA expansion card. The only common factor between the original disk 7 and the current disk 7 is that it is labeled as "disk 7" in unraid. Everything else has been swapped out.


My current array has an 8TB Parity drive and drive 7 is an 8TB drive but it also errored out and is disabled. My only thought on how to fix this is blow everything away and start over from scratch but I really don't want to rebuild nearly 20TB of data.


Any suggestions on where I've done wrong with the setup or whatever will be greatly appreciated.


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Disk disable before Unraid reboot, so no log for that. Pls also check disk power cable.


There are no guaranty problem gone even you start from scratch, you need troubleshoot logically and rule out different possibility.


The problem disk were connect Marvell 91xx controller, it should have two port, pls ensure you have try connect to other controller for troubleshooting.

Edited by Vr2Io
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Hi, JorgeB.


I stopped the array, set disk 7 to "No Device," shut down the computer, swapped the cable from the motherboard SATA port to an empty one on the expansion card, restarted the computer, set disk 7 back to the HDD, and started the array but it never tried to rebuild the drive, just started as disabled.


Am I missing a step?


BTW, thank you all for your patience with my ignorance. 'Tis much appreciated as I learn.

Edited by Nunja
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I would swear that everything suggested in this thread had already been done at least twice but, hallelujah, disk 7 rebuilt correctly and now has a green status dot. I'm doing a parity check now to ensure everything's good to go.


Thank you all so much!

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