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Looking for suggestions on how to share server remotely with parents


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I'm looking for ideas on how to setup a way for my parents to download files off my unraid server remotely. They live in Florida and I'm in Pennsylvania, I really don't feel like mailing them packages all the time to send pictures and videos to them.  Does anyone have a thought on the best way to set it up so they can get either FTP or some other secure access to the shares etc.  I have a 35mbit upload cap and would like to be able to set it up so they can just log in and get to the new stuff without too much hassle.


Any suggestions or ideas on how to do this would be great, I know there are posts about FTP and security and other considerations but I couldn't find anything that sounded like what I'm trying to do.

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There are many tools and ways to do this.


One of the issues with doing a VPN with routers, there will always be traffic in/out even if there is no actual data traffic.


If you do not want to set up a VPN with routers, you can set up SSH and restrict access to port 22 to your parents IP.

After that you can use rsync or unison.

rsync comes with unRAID, it would have to be installed on the windows machine.


Cool thing with rsync, you can have an incoming and outgoing folder so when a .cmd file is clicked.

the TO_PARENTS folder gets synced and the FROM_PARENTS folder gets synced.

With the --remove-sent-files, the files are only sent once.


There are other tools that can be used with FTP. I might explore filezilla since it's a nice gui ftp client.

you could do the same thing in locking down FTP on your router to your parents IP address.





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Thanks for the ideas guys, I'm going to look into them and see what would be easiest to implement that the parents can figure out as well.  As far as the internet connection I have a 35mbit up and down connection and parents do as well, both on Fios so transfers should go fairly quickly.

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