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Now that I have all my files from my WHS transferred onto unRAID I'm ready to install Eversion + YAMJ. I had it installed directly on my WHS before. I know I can install it on my Desktop PC and direct YAMJ to my unRAID shares. But, can YAMJ be installed directly into unRAID? Reason I liked having YAMJ installed on my WHS instead of my PC is because I could run the YAMJ.CMD as a daily schedule task to constantly update my movie jukebox. Can unRAID run schedule tasks also? If my PC stayed on 24/7 I would just install it on there and run scheduled tasks daily.


Need some advice...

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  • 3 months later...

I have done this including the crontab update in go script to have YAMJ run once a day at a specific time.

I run 2 YAMJ settings: one for HTML YAMJ (PCH-A110) and another for FLASH (Eversion) YAMJ (PCH-C200).


and what eversion skin are you using?

Any chance to upload a video or something?

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I have done this including the crontab update in go script to have YAMJ run once a day at a specific time.

I run 2 YAMJ settings: one for HTML YAMJ (PCH-A110) and another for FLASH (Eversion) YAMJ (PCH-C200).


any chance you help me all the way?

Cause that other thread isnt up to date

Also should i put yamj on my cache disk/ flash drive, or a disk in the array?

One thing though, yamj isnt putting files into my movie folders right?

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and what eversion skin are you using?

Any chance to upload a video or something?

I am using evZap skin.

There are several videos of this skin on Youtube - just search it...


any chance you help me all the way?

Cause that other thread isnt up to date

Also should i put yamj on my cache disk/ flash drive, or a disk in the array?

One thing though, yamj isnt putting files into my movie folders right?


I do not use limetech's installation.


Just a reminder I have 2 YAMJ running - one for Eversion (Flash) and a second a regular (HTML).

You can see from my scripts that I run them both from my cache drive.

  • I save the HTML YAMJ output to the cache drive  (it is faster that way) and have a simlink from my "Media" share to the YAMJ folder on he cache drive
  • The Eversion YAMJ output is saved to my PCH-C200 internal HDD directly so the skins loads faster on the PCH, for this I have mount and unmount .rc scripts when array starts and stops - but that is another issue (:.


my go script includes the following:

# Create symbolic link from Media share to cache drive YAMJ folder for YAMJ_HTML jukeboxes
ln -s /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ /mnt/user/Media

# Create daily schedule cron job for all YAMJ version (HTML & FLASH)
crontab -l > /tmp/file;
echo '#' >> /tmp/file;
echo '#Run all YAMJ (HTML & FLASH) at 16:00 (4 PM) every day' >> /tmp/file
echo '00 16 * * * /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/My_YAMJ.sh all >/dev/null 2>&1' >>/tmp/file
crontab /tmp/file
rm /tmp/file


and my My_YAMJ.sh script is as follows (my first attempt to write scripts under linux):


function YamjHtml() {
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Started..." | logger -tYAMJ_HTML
# Change into YAMJ directory and execute the MovieJukebox script
# The -o option specifies where to put the generated index.htm and Jukebox directory.
cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_HTML ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_Unwatched.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/Unwatched -c
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Finished 1/6" | logger -tYAMJ_HTML
cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_HTML ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_Watched.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/Watched -c
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Finished 2/6" | logger -tYAMJ_HTML
cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_HTML ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_Old_Movies.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/Old_Movies -c
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Finished 3/6" | logger -tYAMJ_HTML
cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_HTML ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_Television.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/Television -c
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Finished 4/6" | logger -tYAMJ_HTML
cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_HTML ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_Children.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/Children -c
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Finished 5/6" | logger -tYAMJ_HTML
cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_HTML ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_Personal.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/Personal -c
echo "YAMJ HTML creation/update - Finished 6/6" | logger -tYAMJ_HTML

function YamjFlash() {
# Check if PCH Livingroom exists (powered up, connected to the network and mounted at /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom
# Only run YAMJ_FLASH if above exists
if [ -d "/mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom" ]; then
	echo "YAMJ FLASH creation/update - Started..." | logger -tYAMJ_FLASH
	#Change into YAMJ directory and execute the MovieJukebox script
	# The -o option specifies where to put the generated index.htm and Jukebox directory.
	cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_FLASH ; ./MovieJukebox.sh libraries_FLASH_unRAID.xml -o /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom -c
	# Copy all personal settings and icons
	cd /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/YAMJ/YAMJ_FLASH_Settings_files_to_copy
	cp -v esettings.xml.eversion /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom/JukeboxFLASH/eversion/settings/esettings.xml
	cp -v settings.xml.evZap /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom/JukeboxFLASH/evZap/settings.xml
	cp -v home.control.evZap /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom/JukeboxFLASH/evZap/home.control
	cp -v home_personal_*.png /mnt/cache/unRAID_Apps/PCH_LivingRoom/JukeboxFLASH/evZap/media/home
	echo "YAMJ FLASH creation/update - Finished 1/1" | logger -tYAMJ_FLASH
	echo "YAMJ FLASH creation/update - PCH Livingroom not connected" | logger -tYAMJ_FLASH

program_name=`basename $0`

if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "$program_name: too few argument"
echo 'Enter: "$program_name help" to see valid options'
# Include path to Java binary directory
case $1 in
		 echo "Usage: $program_name"
		 echo " all      = Run All YAMJ creation/updates"
		 echo " html     = Run HTML YAMJ creation/updates"
		 echo " flash    = Run Flash YAMJ creation/updates"
		 echo " help     = Show this help message"


  • Go script runs "My_YAMJ.sh all".
  • My_YAMJ.sh adds echo comments to the syslog for debug/status.

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