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Few Questions about Unraid + SAB, SB & CP


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Hey guys, I'm wanting to build my first Unraid server, but before I pull the trigger and purchase all the components, i wanted to double check that everything I want it to do can be done. I've been readingn a lot of threads and i'm 90% sure about these questions, but wanna be 100% sure before investing any money.


My setup is basically going to be a HP Proliant N40L, with 3 2Tb drives and a 2.5" cache drive to begin with...


My main question is, that if I install SABNZBD+, Sickbeard and Couchpotato onto the Cache drive, if I reboot the server, will I keep my installation and configuration? i.e. database of all tv shows etc.


Also can I setup couchpotato and sickbeard to move files that have been downloaded onto the cache drive onto the actual array? I would like this process to be 100% automated.


Finally, what version of unraid do you guys recommend to install for a newbie who would like those 3 plugins?


Any help would be appreciated, Thanks! :D

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Hey guys, I'm wanting to build my first Unraid server, but before I pull the trigger and purchase all the components, i wanted to double check that everything I want it to do can be done. I've been readingn a lot of threads and i'm 90% sure about these questions, but wanna be 100% sure before investing any money.


My main question is, that if I install SABNZBD+, Sickbeard and Couchpotato onto the Cache drive, if I reboot the server, will I keep my installation and configuration? i.e. database of all tv shows etc.

You can let unraid install to ram, or cache drive, doesn't really matter. Just make sure to set the "Data Directory" for each app to the a hidden directory on the cache drive(name the directory something starting with a period, like ".apps"), All databases and configs will be saved this way

Also can I setup couchpotato and sickbeard to move files that have been downloaded onto the cache drive onto the actual array? I would like this process to be 100% automated.

Use the Mover script that comes with unraid, you can set it from the webgui to move at any time. You can setup all the programs to download to/look for the downloads on the user shares, such as /mnt/user/media/Movies, unraid will put the downloads on the cache drive, and the mover script will move them to the array at the configured time. All 100% automated after setup.

Finally, what version of unraid do you guys recommend to install for a newbie who would like those 3 plugins?

Depends on your hardware, but for the plug-ins 5b11 is the lowest you can go, you can use unmenu .confs, but I'm not familiar with that setup. I use 5b14 and have no problems, but there are a few hardware problems with them, namely a few controllers that don't work with them. Read towards the end of the "Move Update" thread, graywlf posted a good guideline on there.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks! :D

Your welcome, hope it helped

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foxxiee-  I have a setup very similar to what you're trying to do.


I have a N40L with four 3TB drives, an external 1TB drive plugged into the esata port (it's configured to be a sata port via a bios hack), and a 2.5" SSD cache drive mounted in a 6-bay drive enclosure which I put in the optical drive bay.  I'll use the other 5 bays in this enclosure as soon as I find a sata controller card.


My programs are all installed in a folder on my cache drive called ".apps".  Be sure to name it .apps so the mover script doesn't try to move your programs.  The problem with this type of setup, is that it doesn't offer any kind of backup to these folders.  If your cache drive fails, you lose your programs.  To offset this, I've added the following to my /boot/config/go file:


echo "rsync -a /mnt/cache/.apps /mnt/disk3" >/etc/cron.daily/cache_backup.sh
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/cache_backup.sh


This adds a daily cron job that uses rsync to backup the .apps folder to one of my array drives. If my cache drive dies, my .apps folder is backed up.  This is a big deal because in addition to my sabnzbd, sickbeard, couchpotato, headphones, and crashplan applications being completely backed up, so is my mysql databases and my xmbc thumbnail folder.


I recommend using unraid version 5b14.  For a new user, the plugin system is the easiest way to go.  If you go this route and need any help, let me know. It sounds like our setups will be very similar.

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Use the Mover script that comes with unraid, you can set it from the webgui to move at any time. You can setup all the programs to download to/look for the downloads on the user shares, such as /mnt/user/media/Movies, unraid will put the downloads on the cache drive, and the mover script will move them to the array at the configured time. All 100% automated after setup.


Ah ok, I think I get it now, just to clarify, you set Sickbeard etc. to download to and looks for files in my Movies or TV folder, however Unraid will  instead download them to the cache drive? And the mover script will move them to those original folder destinations at the configured time? If so that sounds perfect.


Caimakale, your setup is just what i'm wanting to build! Thanks for the heads up on the .apps folder backup and I think I will go for 5b14 :).


Apart from that I think i'm good, thanks for the info guys, you've been a great help! Just ordered my server and can't wait to get building! :D

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