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Wizd Server running on Unraid Box - I feel like giving it a try

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I've configure Wizd for Linux to run on a separate Linux machine and wondered what potential problems could be caused if I tried running it directly on my UnRaid server from the USB Key?


The process apparantly runs in memory using very little overhead and assuming there's enough room on the key to store the skin I want & docroot folder (files are 1.42mb), I can't see what problems could be caused.


2 things I need to know though:-


1/ being a KDE linux user I'd need to know command line instructions for listing running processes to see that the wizd server software has started correctly


2/ I'd also like to know how to safely stop the wizd process from command line (some kind of kill process command).


Safe to try do you think?





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Yes, wizd seems perfectly safe and a pretty small footprint.


To see it running, type:


ps -ef


You should find it in the list of processes.


You can also type:




To see a real-time display of prcesses.


To kill it, you can type:


killall wizd


I'll be putting up a page dedicated to wizd on the website soon.

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Thanks for that.


Well I have Wizd up & running on my UnRaid box. 


Menu browsing seems fine and files & folders on the UnRaid are accessible on the Snazzio.  I can't however work out how to get Wizd to access folders in other locations (my XP PC's recorded TV folder for example).  Movies & music files lauch correctly, but stutter badly due to my Faulty Snazzio, not UnRaids fault, unfortunately I'm having same problems on XP & Linux PC's, but it does mean I can't yet say 100% that it works properly.


When my replacement Snazzio turns up I'll post some real results, but it's looking promising for not having to run Wizd on another PC.



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With XBMC you can control the speed of the XBOX fan manually or put it in an automatic mode by selecting the temperature that you want the CPU to run at.


Also, there are fan mods available that are quieter.


I have four chip modded XBOXes around the house and the traffic noise outside is louder than the fan noise.


Just a thought.




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an XBOX works ALOT better and for not much money too.

But noisy - the only reason why I don't want to use them round my house as media clients.... :(


Matt :)


80mm fan can be put into the XBOX and still retain speed control. I have one in mine and not only does it cool better but it is MUCH quieter! One of the XBOX sites has a set of instructions for putting it into the XBOX and it's not that hard. A Dremel and some wire cutters would be a good idea but overall it doesn't require much. Cost of fan was like $5 at BestBuy open box :D

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