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Unable to make Lexar FireFly USB bootable

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I'm having trouble making my Lexar FireFly USB flash drive bootable.  On my Windows XP system, I am clicking of the"syslinux" file as directed in the Lime Technology wiki says.  What happens is a command window promptly opens and then closes.  Any advice as to what might be going on?

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Below is a screen of the command window when right-clicking and selecting "run as administrator". After pressing a key, the window immediately closes.

I haven't used this utility and can't really say if this is okay or not, the USB stick should have the file "ldlinux.sys" on it, does it?

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There is no visible change when the drive is made bootable, a hidden file is added.  If you enable hidden files in your view settings you should be able to see it.  But the real proof is when you actually boot your server from it...have you tried booting from the flash drive yet?

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There is no visible change when the drive is made bootable, a hidden file is added.  If you enable hidden files in your view settings you should be able to see it.  But the real proof is when you actually boot your server from it...have you tried booting from the flash drive yet?


I've enabled hidden files and don't see the "ldlinux.sys" referenced below. Are there other ways to make a usb flash drive bootable?









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