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RB-1200 Server and unRAID v5?

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This might seem obvious (noob question) but i didn't think there would be any harm in asking: Once v5 is out of RC will the RB-1200 Server be shipped with this installed?


Another related question, if i bought the RB-1200 Server now how difficult would it be to upgrade from the currently installed 4.x unRAID up to v5? (i realize "difficult" is subjective, but I can get around reasonably well via comandline in linux [slackware/suse] if that helps, no clue programming though :( )


Things I have in mind when i mention upgrade is that would it be as simple as unRAID checking the limetech site and auto-upgrading or would it be as arduous as having to format and re-install everything? (with potential risk to data that is stored).


Thanks in advance!




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I was under the impression that all of those systems have been sold out for over a year.  "Note: all servers are currently sold-out.  A new server product will be announced soon." has been on the home page for as long as I can remember.


Upgrading from 4.7 to 5.0 is as easy as deleting a couple files and replacing 2 files, then restarting the server. There's no such thing as reformatting and reinstalling unRAID, like you would with linux/windows. Your data is not depended on unRAID in anyway, you can upgrade/downgrade freely with no loss of data or need to reformat disks.

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