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Replacing motherboard. Possible?


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I currently have an unraid 4.7 machine setup and it has 1 parity and 4 data drives in it. I have been having nothing but problems with the motherboard and/or NIC in the machine. It just seems to take forever to access files and it is quite annoying.

Is it easy to replace the motherboard and still have the array stay intact?

What would be the best way to go about this?


What motherboard would be the best to use? I am using a sempron 145 processor


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When I first built my unRAID server, I thought I was having troubles related to the PCIe slot on the MB, so, I swapped motherboards.  The array remained intact and no changes were required from the unRAID side at all.  Turns out the MB was not the problem and the second MB died during a BIOS update, so, again, a few weeks later, I had to swap out the MB back to the original.  No problems at all from unRAID through these multiple swaps and the array kept functioning without any config changes.


I was doing all of this with v5 beta 14 and I don't know if version 4.x would make any difference (I doubt it), but, my experience is that a MB swap is just a matter of a) disconnect everything from the old MB and remove from case, b) install new MB in case and connect, PSU, drives, etc. and reboot.  It was that simple in my case.


With no OS/drivers on a hard drive and everything being loaded into RAM, unRAID seems very forgiving if you have to swap the MB.

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I was doing all of this with v5 beta 14 and I don't know if version 4.x would make any difference (I doubt it)

The biggest difference is that you may need to correctly reassign your drives to their original roles after the swap on 4.7, so take a screenshot of your drive assignment page before you do the swap.

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I had thought there were issues with unraid and Realtek 8111E. I am using unraid 4.7


My MB (Intel socket 1155 Biostar TH61-ITX) has the Realtek 8111E NIC and I have *never* had any problems with it.  As mentioned in several threads, with this NIC, you really need to be running version 5 beta 8? or higher.  I started with v5 beta 14 and last week updated to v5 RC6-r8168-test2 which is the very latest available release candidate build.  I still see no NIC related issues with the Realtek 8111E.  In fact, the r8168 part of the RC6 file name refers to the Realtek driver version in the Linux kernel which seems to be less problematic that the 8169 included in prior builds.


In my experience at least, the 8111E NIC has never been an issue with unRAID v5 builds.

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Thanks dgaschk


Are you using this board as well? I did a search on the forums and nothing was found on this board.

I had thought there were issues with unraid and Realtek 8111E. I am using unraid 4.7


This board works with the latest versions of v5. I've not tested the PCI-e slots yet. I'll be testing with a saslp this week.

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Thanks dgaschk


Are you using this board as well? I did a search on the forums and nothing was found on this board.

I had thought there were issues with unraid and Realtek 8111E. I am using unraid 4.7


This board works with the latest versions of v5. I've not tested the PCI-e slots yet. I'll be testing with a saslp this week.


SASLP appears to work fine. I'll test its build speed today.

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