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[SOLVED] show/hide shares for certain users


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Hi guys,


I am running unRAID OS 5.0-rc8a without any kind of issues so far, kudos to all developers involved. Anyway, I would like to get a bit more control over the shares, for example I would like to show only those shares that a particular user/wife can access because they can get pretty annoying when they click on a 'folder' and they get access denied message. lol Nothing to hide here though but women and kids have a weird habit of messing with stuff. Now I understand that is possible by using smb_extra.conf or something like this but I can't seem to find an example or info about how you go about it. If anybody can give me a hand I would really appreciate it.


thanks a  lot

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Thanks kizer for your reply, I already read that post you sent me but it's either my lack of understanding or whatever is there does not apply to me because I cannot seem to find a solution to my problem. It seems you can only hide/show shares globally not per user. For example, let's say I have 5 shares and 3 users from which 1 I only want to be able to access/ 'see' 1 share and the other 2 users I want them to be able to browse everything. The thing is I don't want them to be able to see the shares that they cannot access. In know there is an option browseable that you can use in smb_extra but how and where to put it I cannot seem to find in forum. Anyway, if this is not possible I would settle to be able to give access to a certain folder within a share and hide everything else. Any thoughts or I should just give up?

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It was easier than expected actually. You just need to use 'No Access' for whatever share you don't want your user to access and it will not show up when browsing the network. Initially I thought if you deny access the share will still show up in the list but you won't be able to browse it's contents due to lack of permissions; fortunately if you are denied access to a share you won't be able to see it either,  though I was able to make it work using smb_extra.conf as well... lol That's about it, too bad I had to hit my had to the wall for a couple of hours... I know slow! :P



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