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Password for unmenu?

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Nope. Unmenu is a community written project, (actually just Joe) and it was implemented using tools that do not easily support password authentication. If you are exposing unmenu to non trusted users, you are doing it wrong, and need to just not run unmenu automatically. You can fairly easily start unmenu from the command line, and exit it again after you are done.


Actually, if you are exposing any portion of an unraid box to untrusted users, you are running a significant risk of being hacked. It's not meant to be exposed, it's meant to be a local network storage device. Any other use is not officially supported, and is done at your own risk.

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Can I configure a password for unmenu like I can for the stock interface?  Maybe I'm missin something obvious

Not possible in any way.  unMENU is written in "awk" and pretends it is a web-server.  (It actually does pretty well considering)


Unfortunately, the network commands available to us do not allow authentication of any kind.  It just listens on a port and responds.


As already mentioned, it was never meant to be exposed to the world.  It was designed to explore improvements to the stock unRAID user-interface.  Because of the features we demonstrated in unMENU, we now have unRAID 5.X with its plugin capabilities.


Joe L.

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Its on a LAN.  Serving movies and lots of files.  All users' "My Documents" redirects to my unraid server, across all workstations.


I'm just worried that young (smart) bored children could potentially find unmenu and then the sky would fall.


I'll uninstall it.


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Its on a LAN.  Serving movies and lots of files.  All users' "My Documents" redirects to my unraid server, across all workstations.


I'm just worried that young (smart) bored children could potentially find unmenu and then the sky would fall.


I'll uninstall it.

Although security through obscurity seldom works well, with unMENU on port 8080, there is little visible under "My Documents" on a window's PC.


However, if the bored (but smart) children can browse to the server, you've got lots of other issues to deal with if they stray from the kids content to the more adult files and media you might have stored on the server.   


Joe L.

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Unmenu is undoubtedly great, but if you are now on 5.0 (or willing to switch) you could run with SimpleFeatures (for the UI improvements and extra features) which retains the login for the GUI.  Anything that SF doesn't have that you need is more than likely available via a plugin.  In my case that would be apcupsd, openssh, and i think screen.  Otherwise most other "typical" things people add to their unraid boxes can be found in SF.

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I'm just worried that young (smart) bored children could potentially find unmenu and then the sky would fall.


I'll uninstall it.

No need to uninstall it. Just navigate to the "user scripts" page and press the "Kill UnMenu" button. Then when you want to use it, telnet in or log in at the console and type /boot/unmenu/uu , use it, then kill it again when you are done.
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My server is not on the internet.


I have computer savvy kids in the house, and I remember being curious about networks at that age, and used to take my dad's computer apart when he wasn't home.


So I am planning for any contingency, including them fiddling with the server.  Should I for some reason need to manage the server from one of their user accounts, it would theoretically show up in the browser's history (yes I know I can just delete the history). 


Like I said, just planning for any contingency.  Don't need unauthorized access on my server, even from inside my network.


I'll take unmenu out of the startup routine of the server and look into simple features.  Thanks all.

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