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Reliable replacement for Adaptec 1430SA


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I need to add a couple more ports to my Pro server, which has a SuperMicro C2SEE motherboard and an Adaptec 1430SA (Tom's recommended add-in card when I built the system).


I need 2 more ports -- and planned to simply add a 2nd 1430SA adapter ... but can't find any available (it's apparently been discontinued).    Does anyone know if an Adaptec 1405 works well with UnRaid?  [Currently running v4.7 -- and don't mind just staying with that if necessary to use that card;  but it'd be nice to be able to migrate to v5.]


... any other recommendations for a good PCIe x4 card would be appreciated.    [Don't want to run a PCI card or even a PCIe x1 card, as these slow down drive access (I'd consider a PCIe x1 2-port card)].


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"Any 2-port card should work reasonbly well" ...


Not so simple.  I've actually got several 2-port PCI cards -- and Yes, they will work;  but not "reasonably well".      They significantly slow down the system due to the PCI bottleneck -- data transfer from the array is slower whenever drives attached to those controllers are involved;  parity checks take MUCH longer;  etc.


What I'm looking for is 1430SA levels of performance with another card supported by UnRAID.


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As I noted above, I'm looking for a PCIe x4 card, as the x1 cards don't have enough bandwidth to support the higher sustained rates modern drives are capable of.


I've got several older PCI and PCIe x1 SIL3132-based cards that I can use ... but I don't like the performance hit these cause on the array.


I DID, however, find a 1430SA on e-bay ... so I just ordered it.


... If, however, anyone knows of a good PCIe x4 card that UnRAID supports, it'd be nice to list it here, in case anyone else needs to add more ports and has the same problem finding additional 1430SA's.


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