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Syslog with lots of "Transport endpoint is not connected" errors

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Wow...  unlucky me.


I have two Unraid machines - intending to have one backup the other via CrashPlan.  I already posted issues with my "Destination" Unraid machine...  Now my "Source" Unraid, my main unit, has issues.


CrashPlan's GUI shows the backup complete...  which seems odd.  So I clicked the Change button and checked another folder to add to the backup.  Now it shows all of the folders to backup as "Missing".  I guess it makes sense the backup is complete if the folders are gone... but how can they be gone?  I can see them from \\tower\foldername...


But I can't access them.  I double click them and get a login box - using root and my password I can't view them - the login box flashes and comes right back.


UnMenu had crashed too.... but was able to relaunch it from a Telnet session.


In the web interface all my shares show as Exported and Public. 


Using UnMenu I stopped and restarted Samba - but that didn't change anything.


Attached is my syslog.


Not sure what to try here - except attempt a safe shutdown and restart.  Any ideas?






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I had a similar issue the other day using 5rc8a. All my shares ( with the exception of the flash drive ) became inaccessible all of a sudden. Restarting samba via the GUI didn't help and in fact after the restart the share configuration become blank. Checked syslog and all I can see were those "Transport endpoint not connected" errors for each of my shares.

I stopped the array and rebooted the machine and it's all normal again.

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Hi Helmonder,


I didn't find any out of memory errors in my syslogs.  I posted them with the original post - please let me know if you see anything that makes sense.  :-)


Everything seems fine until I put my two Unraid machines under considerable stress - like when I have CrashPlan blasting a lot of files from one to the other and then try to open and save a bunch of files on a couple of computers at the same time.


Maybe it is memory related...  Or maybe it's the CrashPlan plague I seem to have.  I only seem to have problems when I insist on CrashPlan working.


Open to more ideas,



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've figured out how to get CrashPlan to run for a "longer" amount of time - like two or three days instead of two or three hours - by lowering, in the Crashplan GUI, the "Settings" tab, "When user is away" and "When user is present" percent CPU settings - pretty low - like 50-60%.


I still have a ton of the "Transport endpoint is not connected" errors when it does crash.


Any ideas?





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