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RC12, SMB and shares

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I have just upgraded from 4.7 to rc12 as I want to integrate some 3TB drives.


In 4.7 all the disk shares and user shares were working fine using SMB.


However while everything looks fine from the console I have problems accessing the server.


In Windows the network shows the "TOWER" and the 11 disks in the array plus the flash and my user shares. However if I click on the disks to show the content all will show the lowest level folder "media" but if I click on the folder it either tells me the folder is empty (it isnt) or on another drives when I click on "media" it states something like "Windows cannot access \\TOWER\disk8\Media"


However in 4.7 I had set a user share for "media" across all the drives. If I click on that it shows the folder structure but again denies access to the folders, music etc,  but does allow access to one folder this being the "video" folder". Inside the video folder are folders for TV Series, Documentaries etc all of which are not accesable. Except that is the "Movies" folder which is accessable and the movies playback fine.


However I have set up for my popcornhours another share in the smb-extra.conf file.




read only=no

guest ok=yes


UNMovies shows as a share in Windows Explorer and works fine, it occurs to me that it is this share that is alowing me to access the "Movies" folder as above but nothing else.


All my popcornhour machines cannot access the tower nor can they see the tower when I browse the network from the popcornhour.


What is going on? I have looked around here but cannot as of yet see a solution.



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Feel like a right noob now, well sort of.


Running the new permissions seems to have sorted the problems out accessing the files from Windows PCs.


However still no joy via the popcornhours.


Any Ideas?


I do NOT have a popcornhour but I would suggest rebooting the popcornhour to see if that fixes the problem.  Also try removing the power feed to the popcornhour if a simple reboot does not fix the issue.  (SMB is simple and wonderful when it works and a real b****h  to troubleshoot when it doesn't.)




See this thread:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=24372.0

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I also just upgraded from 4.6 to V5.

I used a share via SMB to access all user shares via smb-extra.conf:

path = /mnt/user
read only = no
browsable = no


All user shares and disk shares are accessible from windows - but that one not.

Do I need to add more settings to comply with new security model?

(The share should be restricted to a certain user and not visible in the browselist)

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I also just upgraded from 4.6 to V5.

I used a share via SMB to access all user shares via smb-extra.conf:

path = /mnt/user
read only = no
browsable = no


All user shares and disk shares are accessible from windows - but that one not.

Do I need to add more settings to comply with new security model?

(The share should be restricted to a certain user and not visible in the browselist)

In case anyone else has the problem - windows update required a reboot - and this fixed the problem. I did read about it before, but was mislead due to the fact, that other new shares did work, only this one did not. All fine now.

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