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Upgrade parity drive question

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My parity drive is 3TB and I'd like to take it to 4TB so I can use newer drives down the road, and replace a 1TB member disk with the 3TB former parity drive.  Seems like a simple enough procedure, but we are going into monsoon season as I type this, with power outages possible/likely.  I need to pick up some extra storage relatively soon, but am concerned about a parity sync being interrupted by a power failure.  Assuming all of the drives in the array survive, is the worst that will happen the parity sync will have to be re-started?  Or is there a potential for data corruption of member disks at any point along the way?


I will hold off as long as I can but my array is nearing capacity.  Adding disks would be about twice as expensive as upgrading a drive, as I'd need an additional cage and controller.

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I wouldn't worry about it...


even if something happens when new parity is building, you can always go back to your orginal


1. Shutdown

2. Take out Parity

3. Insert New Parity

4. Rebuild


After rebuild... check parity again


5. Insert 3tb to replace 1tb

6. Rebuild

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