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UnRAID plugin only server


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Having used unRAID for two years, there are many useful plugins available which I like to use.


With the recent regular updates and shared resources/dependencies used by the plugins, I seem to be getting the occasional difficulties running some plugins.


I now would prefer to keep my unRAID server as stock as possible but still want to use many of these great plugins


What would be the lowest powered device I could use just for plugins? I have plenty of spare small drives about that I could use. Would  VM be better?


As I use them regularly I would prefer a separately standalone device


Any suggestions? Has anyone else done this?

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My W7 is a VM whih is running on the same box as unraid using virtualbox. If unraid is always on then W7 can also be for the same power.


Makes sense


So you are running unRAID with virtualbox plugin running windows running a VM with unRAID?


Or using w7 with VM for 2x unraids?


Is it possible to run unRAID with virtualbox with VM just for unRAID and bypass using w7?



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Sorry I was still focusing on using unRAID addons rather than using windows program's.


Have you created shares in windows to link to the unRAID array?


Yes I created shares but not regular share rather shares via the phpvirtualbox interface.

They seem faster and do not transfer over the network but instead directly to unRAID.

See here:




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I'd suggest running an low resource Ubuntu derivative like Lubuntu. Less RAM and CPU power you'd have to devote to the VM versus Windows, not to mention not needing a Windows license. If you're comfortable enough with the command line you could also just use Ubuntu Server which has no GUI at all, therefore using the least amount of resources possible. If you're using plugins like SABnzbd, SickBeard, etc. you can then use the excellent LaSi script to automate the installation of those applications. https://github.com/Mar2zz/LaSi


Plex also makes a package for Ubuntu based Linux distrobutions that you can use. http://www.plexapp.com/getplex/


If you prefer not to go the VM route, this stuff will all run on a pretty old and/or low powered separate PC you may have lying around. Obviously Plex transcoding would require a decent CPU but otherwise they'll all run fine.

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The main program's I would be looking at are sab/SB/cp, openvpn server and a web server for owncloud


My unRAID server is an i5 with 8gb ram so happy to keep plex on there as well as APCUPSD for my ups.


I have a separate W7 desktop that I would like to keep as a work machine not serving anything. A separate pc (3rd pc) low powered would be my ideal solution


Would Ubuntu or a variant handle the above? If headless can sab etc be accessed over IP address? Have dabbled with Linux but not proficient by an means


Thinking of an older 1u server for this?


Thanks for the input

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The main program's I would be looking at are sab/SB/cp, openvpn server and a web server for owncloud


Would Ubuntu or a variant handle the above? If headless can sab etc be accessed over IP address? Have dabbled with Linux but not proficient by an means


Thinking of an older 1u server for this?

Absolutely! This is fairly simple actually. I would say the ARM/pogoplug solution could do this fairly well, with the possible exception of the openvpn server depending on the number of clients (the openvpn client itself seems to be ok). I would think a low powered Atom or AMD Bobcat (E350) server could easily handle these duties. An older Core 2 Duo, P4, or similar would also be fine (although not as low powered, especially the P4).


Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Mint, etc. could all handle these duties with ease. There are plenty of tutorials for those OSes to help you install these applications.

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I would actually go a different route.  Make ane low power setup for your unraid and use your current hardware to build a working box for all your other needs.  Basic unraid setup can run on almost anithing, move your plex and other stuff to the workhorse machine.


Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4



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I do have a spare core 2 duo with 6gb ram which i would plan to use as a separate plugin server. i wouldnt have enough sata ports or to be able to add enough sata cards for my setup (and planned expansion) so would leave the i5 as the server and plex transcoder


if i was doing it again though i would use a low powered machine and switch it round.

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