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Drive red balled but still working


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Hey guys.


So I just replaced a 2TB drive with a  3TB drive a few days ago.  I connected another new drive to the system today to pre-clear it and when I ran "preclear_disk.sh -l" it showed the new drive and the drive I just added.  That's wierd, so I stopped the array so I could reboot.  Once the array had stopped my receipt replaced drive is showing a red ball.  I was able to start the array, it's still showing red ball but I can read and write to it just fine.  I did a SMART test and it looks fine.


Here's my syslog from today - https://mega.co.nz/#!XRcEUCQa!Wbbv7U08usW09ZHG7sKP4VLKyFM9vizwg6MEJPVvMmw


The drive in question is disk9 (sdn)




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If it shows a red ball it's been disabled.  You can still read/write to it because UnRAID is emulating it with the other disks plus parity => that's what fault tolerance is all about  :)


You need to determine what's wrong BEFORE you do anything else with your array -- you're currently "running at risk" ... so any other failures will result in data loss.


Shut down;  reseat the disk (if in a caddy);  unplug/replug the cables (in fact use a different SATA cable if you have one);  then reboot; Stop the array;  unassign the failed drive;  Start the array;  Stop it again and re-assign the failed drive; then Start the array again and it should rebuild the drive.    If that works okay, you're fine.  If not, replace the drive.


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If it shows a red ball it's been disabled.  You can still read/write to it because UnRAID is emulating it with the other disks plus parity => that's what fault tolerance is all about  :)


You need to determine what's wrong BEFORE you do anything else with your array -- you're currently "running at risk" ... so any other failures will result in data loss.


Shut down;  reseat the disk (if in a caddy);  unplug/replug the cables (in fact use a different SATA cable if you have one);  then reboot; Stop the array;  unassign the failed drive;  Start the array;  Stop it again and re-assign the failed drive; then Start the array again and it should rebuild the drive.    If that works okay, you're fine.  If not, replace the drive.


I'm doing the rebuild now.  When I swapped the power/data cables the first time the drive didn't detect then re-seated again and it did.  The drive might be bad, it's a brand new WD Red and we all know they've had a troubled past. If I get another red ball on it, I have a 3TB green ready to go.

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rebuild went fine overnight, doing a parity check now.  I just noticed that my cache drive is no longer present, maybe it was failing and caused a bad write onto disk9.  I'll have to check it's connections when I get home from work.  My SAS cables are a bit short in my new D8000 case so maybe they're coming lose, hopefully my monoprice order comes sooner than later.

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My buddy saved the day with a pair of longer cables while I wait on monoprice.  I did some fiddling with mine and it's a specific one of the 4 breakouts that's not 100% reliable.


Cache is back online and i'm all green.  Thanks so much for the help!


Now I can move forward with rolling rebuilds of my two non MBR-aligned disks.

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Now I can move forward with rolling rebuilds of my two non MBR-aligned disks.
Why are you risking your data on a cosmetic non-issue? You are gaining nothing by changing from sector 63 to sector 64 unless you are running WD EARS drives with no jumper. You are risking a double drive failure by intentionally failing a drive simply to rebuild it. If you happen to have bad luck and a different drive fails while you are in process, you stand a good chance of losing the content of both drives. You already seem to be having stability issues, I wouldn't push my luck.
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I was rock solid before this cable issue and I believe the two unaligned EARS are negatively affecting my speeds.  Worst case scenario, I lose a TB or two of data that can be replaced.  One of the two rebuilds is going to be an upgrade anyway.


I just want everything to be as perfect as possible and my OCD agrees :P

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