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Mover filling up one drive?


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I seem to have an issue since moving to 5.0 where mover is choosing one drive to fill instead of spreading the load. I can share dirves and write directly to the array, but mover has always worked correctly in the past.


Any thoughts? Look at disk "5"; share level is at "2" as it has always been... Got some big drives ready and waiting.


Thanks in advance.



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Ok, so your cache drive is currently empty, was hoping there was something there that might tell why everything is going to disk 5.


Did you answer my first question?

So if you write directly to /mnt/user/TV it goes to a different drive but letting the mover do it everything goes to disk 5? Just asking for clarification...
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No Joy - moved about 80GB of data to the "Movies" share from a W7 workstation last night. The data was on the cache drive as expected. When I woke this morning unRaid had ignored the exclusion of disk 5, filled it up again, then moved on to disk 12 which is in fact the largest empty space (see original post for screen shot comparison)


Is the new version "seeing" disk 5 as larger than it is and ignoring exclusions?






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Are you saying that there is no Movies share already present on the disk being used in error?  Just checking as if there is the relevant folder already there your split level might be coming into play and forcing the new file/folders to be on that drive.

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The share (folders) exist on all drives (2000+ titles). Something in 5.0 appears to be ignoring the remaining array to publish to disk 5. After filling it again, the next largest, disk 12 was used correctly.


I even excluded disk 5 from all shares before attempting to store more data last night - also ignored.


I have three unraid servers and several years of maintenance without issue. No issues with rc16 were noted.



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