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Parity Check Status/Progress ... was "Disable Stop" when parity is running


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I do not have it installed on 5.0 final ...


I don't believe SF is compatible with v5.0 => there are quite a few things in it that haven't been updated.  Since I don't use it, I wasn't aware that it had real-time parity check status info.



BTW, why does unMenu take much longer to load than the default menu?


Wasn't aware that it did => I've found that both the stock GUI and UnMenu can vary a good bit in how quickly they refresh.  But if you set a static IP on your server, then both are almost instant.


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Default takes about a second, unmenu about five. I have static ip.


Very interesting -- mine doesn't have that difference.  May be something about our differing network topologies;  different amounts of memory; different number of plugins; etc. -- just not sure.  [both of my sytems are "plain vanilla" UnRAID with ONLY the UnMenu addon with UPS control]


... of course, 5 seconds isn't exactly "bad"  :)

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BTW, why does unMenu take much longer to load than the default menu?

unMENU is an "awk" script pretending to be a web-server (and using all unix commands to report on your server)  Basically a collection of unix commands and scripts.


The stock gui is a "real" web-server.


The very fact that unMENU works at all is a small miracle of programming. 


Instead of watching the web-Gui, I suggest watching a movie.  (better plot, at least on most movies ;))

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It's just enough to think the system has problems.  ;)

Maybe unmenu is reading from your USB when it's slow? I know a flaky USB drive can cause odd delays in functionality, as most basic services are in RAM, and many add-ons can be set to use /boot

unMENU does not constantly "read" from the flash drive.  It runs mostly in "ram" once it reads a page form /boot.
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