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Bye-Bye to v4.7


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Well ... both my newer server and my test servers run the latest v5 release, but my main media server has continued to truck away on 4.7 because it's been oh-so-reliable, and I didn't want to shut it down.    About once a week or so, I've saved a JPEG of the UnMenu "Uptime" page just to remind myself of how reliable this guy's been.


Well ... we finally had a power outage > 10 minutes, which is my threshold in the UPS control package to shut it all down => so the long, reliable run is over.    I had, coincidentally just saved an Uptime page a couple hours ago ... so my total Uptime was right at 348 days  :)    [i had planned to upgrade to v5.0 after I hit a year -- but the utility company and mother nature colluded to decide that wasn't to be  8) ]


Here's my final saved Uptime page (actual final time was about 3 hours longer) ...



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Haven't had a power outage in a few years that I can remember.


Wow -- that's remarkably reliable power.    Where do you live??    I've lived in about 20 places over the years, and have never been anyplace that an occasional outage wouldn't hit during a storm, flood, or even something as simple as a vehicle accident that hit a utility pole (not as likely these days with mostly underground utilities).


The power outage last week was only about 15 minutes by the way -- I was wishing I had set the timeout to a longer value (than 10 minutes) ... but I suppose 348 days is a "good enough" uptime to feel pretty good about UnRAID's reliability.  8)


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We've got incredibly reliable power here in SoCal, at least in my city. Haven't had an extended (more than 5 minutes) power outage in at least 5 years that I can recall. In the last year since I built my unRaid server we've had 3 or 4 blips, no more than a few seconds in duration.


If it weren't for a move and a few reboots to upgrade unRaid versions my server would be just about hitting the 365 day mark.

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That's indeed incredibly reliable power !!    Ours is good (Texas Hill Country) ... but not that good.    We don't have many outages, and few are longer than 5-10 minutes;  but have had a few that lasted 4-6 hours in the past few years.    The last year has been quite reliable ... except for the 15 minute outage last week, none were longer than 2-3 minutes (since all my computers are on UPS units, they've never had to shut down until last week).



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One of our worst power outages in the past several years was ~ 6 hrs or so on a nice, clear day when a major accident managed to somehow short out a transformer that then took out several others.    That's been a few years, and was of course a fluke ... but it can happen.


Also, if it's TOO nice and sunny, it gets exceptionally hot in south Texas ... which can cause problems due to the very high power draw from all the overworked air conditioners  :)

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Also, if it's TOO nice and sunny, it gets exceptionally hot in south Texas ... which can cause problems due to the very high power draw from all the overworked air conditioners  :)


Oh yes, I remember the rolling brown-outs here in SoCal quite well, although that was much more a fabricated situation (thanks in part to Enron) than it was a true shortage of electricity.

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