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[SOLVED] Tower found everywhere but in file explorer on one PC


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Sorry for another \\TOWER not found thread  :-[ I have searched and tried most of the things I have found.


I have just upgraded to 5.0.4 from 5.12beta (yes - that old). After this, I have the following problem.


I can see \\tower from all but my own PC - including all shares.


On my own PC, I can

  • See the web interface through http://tower/Main
  • See tower through ping
  • See file shares through direct IP-addressing \\

But I keep on not being able to access \\tower through Explorer or Directory Opus.


I have

  • added tower to hosts-file on my PC
  • flushed DNS-cache
  • deleted ARP-cache
  • disabled all services on network cards on my machine
  • changed workgroup for my machine and for the unRAID server
  • renamed the unRAID server away from tower - in this case, I can get to the Samba share through the new name
  • disabled Sabma services (and reenabled)
  • confirmed that Tower is master browser (also seen from my PC)
  • probably a few other things that I don't even remember


All of the above with appropriate reboots underway and many in combinations


One thing I haven't been able to figure out is a hint from somewhere on the net, that the cache on the samba server (unRAID) could be the culprit. In relation to that a wins.dat file is mentioned (I don't find it on my unRAID server). How would I go about clearing unRAIDs cache? I believe it's in the var/cache/samba folder, but what can I delete - and when?


Any suggestions to how I get my ability to address the samba shares through \\tower again?


Logfile attached if anyone can use that for diagnostics. Setup is in signature.


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Thanks for the reply.


As already stated, I have rebooted (by now countless times). In combinations of many of the options below, including with completely disabled network cards and disabled services on all netcards. Also with other windows machines on the network turned off. No luck.



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Some ideas in no particular order:


How is unRAID getting its IP address?


Does any other computer have the same IP?


Have you tried rebooting your router?


Is your PC on the same subnet?


Are the shares PUBLIC?



net use

on you PC list anything?


What about Control Panel - Credential Manager?


As for /var/cache/samba, that does not survive rebooting unRAID since everything except /boot and /mnt is in RAMfs.



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What about Control Panel - Credential Manager?

[glow=red,2,300]BINGO!!![/glow]  ;D


That's the solution.


It was there with root access configured. I removed it, and immediately had access. Thank You for pointing me in this direction.  :);D


I'll close this thread with the solution.


For reference - here are my responses to the other questions:


Some ideas in no particular order:


How is unRAID getting its IP address?

It's fixed, and the same as it has always been. I'm also able to access the server from all my PC's. I am also able to access the Samba file shares from the PC that is failing through the IP address - just not using the server name.


Does any other computer have the same IP?



Have you tried rebooting your router?

Not previously - but now I have - no change unfortunately.


Is your PC on the same subnet?



Are the shares PUBLIC?




net use

on you PC list anything?

It lists the shares I used to have to \\tower as well as my 'emergency' shares that is addressing the server directly on IP \\



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