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Windows drops server

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During the course of a day it seems that windows 7 x64 Ult (Updated) drops the server from it's list of computers (Tower) and is no longer seen by this system. Upon reboot it is found and is again available. I was just wondering if anyone had heard of this or even maybe something that might be different with the Win7 Ult OS versus the 23 other Win 7 x64 Home Premium or the 2 Win 7 x64 Pro systems that are on the network that are not having this issue. Internet is still accessible when this occurs.


What I have done:

1. Network name is indeed WORKGROUP, I have changed it on all systems to another name and back again (yes all caps) to have the same problem.

2. Under settings for SMB  'Local Master'  is YES.

3. I have changed the switch and cables they are on to another that is in the network, so they are all on the same switch.


After this i am at a loss, I am aware it is probably a windows ult issue or a setting (no it can't suspend the nic to save power), and I was just hoping that maybe someone may have had this issue.

Hardware is identical to another system in the network (Win7 x64 home premium) that does not have this issue at all.


All server hardware and versions are in my sig.




Ice (Rick)

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During the course of a day it seems that windows 7 x64 Ult (Updated) drops the server from it's list of computers (Tower) and is no longer seen by this system.
What happens if you do a WIN+R to get a run command and type \\tower? Can you still ping it successfully? Can you get to the webgui?
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