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Unraid and MegaRAID 9260-8i


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Hi there


I just got a MegaRAID 9260-8i for free and plugged it right away in my Unraid tower thinking everything will works. Unfortunately, it's seems more complicated than expected...


My Unraid version is 5.0 rc16c

I got a 9260 rev 2.140.383-2315 and the firmware seems to 3.27.00 (December 2012)


Everything seems to be detected at post but once in Unraid no disk are detected, I've saw few posts, some telling to put an other firmware so the card will be in IT/IR mode and others telling I need to add MegaRAID drivers to the Unraid kernel. I have about 8TB of stuff on that tower so I want to be sure I don't make any more mistake since plugging that card seems already to be one at the moment so any good advices are greatly welcome



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I doubt you will be successful with drivers only - if you get somebody to integrate them into unRAID at all.

The only drivers that are (perhaps) available are hacks that allow to pass through the drives.

The RAID software is always more or less interfering and causing issues when passing the drives through.


If you have a source that confirmed you can flash the card to IT mode, then do it.

Maybe you post that source?


If you can't flash to IT mode, then better sell it on ebay and get yourself a confirmed working HBA for the money.


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I wrote to LSI and they told me to try to put each drive in individual raid0 so it's might work as a JBOD in UnRaid (that didnt worked), else to forget using that card with UnRaid and get an HBA card instead. Finally i bought an AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 since its was a no brainer with UnRaid.

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