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How to use KVM?


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KVM is part of unraid regular boot

Just to point out this is the case in the current betas.  I believe that for v6 final it is intended to have a boot option that will not include Xen or KVM, so I guess the menu options might change to reflect this is one of the forthcoming beta releases.

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  • 1 month later...

Been a while since my opening post here.


Can someone please explain how to setup a Windows 7 VM?


And how to get started with KVM altogether?


A simple step by step guide would be nice.


It's taken me a bit to figure out KVM. I think it's probably something that's really a learning process. I'm not sure if a step by step guide would help. I'd start in this thread though: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33977.0

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I agree with pinion. As kvm currently stands it's more of a trial by error approach. KVM has come a long way since the early betas but it's still changing so much that a step by step guide would be obsolete too quickly to make it worth writing one. Installing the webvirtmgr plugin will help a lot with installing a kvm. Take a look at that thread.

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