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Need advice: Parity=2567 errors, 1 drive display 57 errors


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Since beta7, I moved all my data to xfs drives.  During the process, the server crashed a lot of times and I had to reboot it with the Reset button (I started a new thread in Defect section).  Now that all my data are moved to their final Disk, I did a Parity Check (with no Correct checked).  It found 2567 errors during that 8hours process.  Also, I see that the Drive #10 display a "57" in the error column.


1. Do I run Parity check again with the "correct error" checked ?

2. What to do with the Drive with 57 errors ?  RMA for a new drive?

3. How to check the SMART with Unraid on that disk ?

4. Any other useful advice !


Thanks all!

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It is odd seeing disk errors, you would think if it was the crashes, it would show up as parity mismatch, but not disks errors.


I would check the syslog to make sure you aren't seeing any errors related to disks.


Then check the smart report on that drive with "smartctl -a /dev/sdX"


Those may have just come from the crashes and not really a disk issue, and  just need correcting.  I crashed mine last night not following the docker directions in the write order, and running a check now and has corrected 7 parity errors.


If you don't see any issues with the disk or syslog, I would run a parity check with correct.  Once that is complete, I would run the parity check again.  If you get 0 the second time, it was probably just the crashes, if you see more than you are having some ongoing issue.

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Ok, I ran the Smartctl, here is the result.  Do you see any errors?  I don't know what to look for... :o


root@Unraid:~# smartctl -a /dev/sdn
smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-3.16.0-unRAID] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Model Family:     Western Digital Red (AF)
Device Model:     WDC WD30EFRX-68AX9N0
Serial Number:    WD-WMC1T1707015
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 0ae2a0664
Firmware Version: 80.00A80
User Capacity:    3,000,592,982,016 bytes [3.00 TB]
Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated)
SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is:    Mon Sep  1 13:04:02 2014 EDT
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x00)	Offline data collection activity
				was never started.
				Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status:      (   0)	The previous self-test routine completed
				without error or no self-test has ever
				been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: 		(37620) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: 			 (0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
				Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
				Suspend Offline collection upon new
				Offline surface scan supported.
				Self-test supported.
				Conveyance Self-test supported.
				Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:            (0x0003)	Saves SMART data before entering
				power-saving mode.
				Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:        (0x01)	Error logging supported.
				General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 (   2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 ( 378) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 (   5) minutes.
SCT capabilities: 	       (0x70bd)	SCT Status supported.
				SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
				SCT Feature Control supported.
				SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x002f   200   200   051    Pre-fail  Always       -       2
  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0027   185   182   021    Pre-fail  Always       -       5733
  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       224
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   200   200   140    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x002e   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   082   082   000    Old_age   Always       -       13822
10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
11 Calibration_Retry_Count 0x0032   100   253   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       24
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       15
193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       209
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   125   105   000    Old_age   Always       -       25
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0030   100   253   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate   0x0008   100   253   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0

SMART Error Log Version: 1
No Errors Logged

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
No self-tests have been logged.  [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1        0        0  Not_testing
    2        0        0  Not_testing
    3        0        0  Not_testing
    4        0        0  Not_testing
    5        0        0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

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The smart report looks good, i don't see any errors.  Did you see anything in the syslog?


Do you think I should run a Parity Check (CORRECT) now ?


I see that from the last Scheduled Parity Check (NOCORRECT) :


Sep  1 00:00:01 Unraid kernel: mdcmd (64): check NOCORRECT (unRAID engine)
Sep  1 00:00:01 Unraid kernel:  (Routine)
Sep  1 00:00:01 Unraid kernel: md: recovery thread woken up ... (unRAID engine)
Sep  1 00:00:01 Unraid kernel: md: recovery thread checking parity... (unRAID engine)
Sep  1 00:00:01 Unraid kernel: md: using 1536k window, over a total of 2930266532 blocks. (unRAID engine)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346176 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346184 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346192 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346200 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346208 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346216 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346224 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346232 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346240 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346248 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346256 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346264 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346272 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346280 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346288 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346296 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346304 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346312 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346320 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346328 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346336 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346344 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346352 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346360 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346368 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346376 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346384 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346392 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346400 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346408 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346416 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346424 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346432 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346440 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346448 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346456 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346464 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346472 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346480 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346488 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346496 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346504 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346512 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346520 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346528 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346536 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346544 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346552 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346560 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346568 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346576 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346584 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346592 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346600 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346608 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346616 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346624 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346632 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346640 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346648 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346656 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346664 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346672 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346680 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346688 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346696 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346704 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346712 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346720 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346728 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346736 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346744 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346752 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346760 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346768 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346776 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346784 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346792 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346800 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346808 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346816 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346824 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346832 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346840 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346848 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346856 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346864 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346872 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346880 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346888 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346896 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346904 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346912 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346920 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346928 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346936 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346944 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346952 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346960 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, sector=93346968 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:07:22 Unraid kernel: md: parity incorrect, stopped logging (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: sd 1:0:7:0: [sdn] Unhandled sense code (Drive related)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: sd 1:0:7:0: [sdn]   (Drive related)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08 (System)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: sd 1:0:7:0: [sdn]   (Drive related)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: Info fld=0x2323c470
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: sd 1:0:7:0: [sdn]   (Drive related)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: sd 1:0:7:0: [sdn] CDB:  (Drive related)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: cdb[0]=0x88: 88 00 00 00 00 00 23 23 c2 d8 00 00 01 c8 00 00
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdn, sector 589546200 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546136 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546144 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546152 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546160 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546168 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546176 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546184 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546192 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546200 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546208 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546216 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546224 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546232 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546240 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546248 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546256 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546264 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546272 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546280 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546288 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546296 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546304 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546312 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546320 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546328 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546336 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546344 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546352 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546360 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546368 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546376 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546384 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546392 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546400 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546408 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546416 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546424 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546432 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546440 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546448 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546456 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546464 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546472 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546480 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546488 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546496 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546504 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546512 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546520 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546528 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546536 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546544 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546552 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546560 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546568 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546576 (Errors)
Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546584 (Errors)
Sep  1 03:40:01 Unraid logger: mover started

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They were those errors, should I stop my Parity with CORRECT ??  Edit:  I stop it before It correct any errors.  Now, i'm just waiting for your next advice. 


If I don't do the Parity Check with Correct, will I lose some data? Do I have to RMA the drive now with the errors bellow :


Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546136 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546144 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546152 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546160 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546168 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546176 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546184 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546192 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546200 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546208 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546216 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546224 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546232 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546240 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546248 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546256 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546264 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546272 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546280 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546288 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546296 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546304 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546312 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546320 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546328 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546336 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546344 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546352 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546360 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546368 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546376 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546384 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546392 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546400 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546408 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546416 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546424 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546432 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546440 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546448 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546456 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546464 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546472 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546480 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546488 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546496 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546504 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546512 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546520 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546528 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546536 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546544 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546552 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546560 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546568 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546576 (Errors)

Sep  1 00:39:25 Unraid kernel: md: disk10 read error, sector=589546584 (Errors)

Sep  1 03:40:01 Unraid logger: mover started

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You might as well stop the parity build, with the read errors, it wont be correct anyway.  Did you try checking the cabling for that drive?


I did not, but i'll do.  I don't think it will be that thought, the server is in the basement with no one ever touching it physically and it worked fine since april.


Do you think I should :


1. empty the drive by rsync-ing the content to another disk.

2. stop the array, remove the drive.

3. Restart a Parity Check with CORRECT.


After that, i'll zero the drive with the preclear script before doing a RMA... ?

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It might not be a bad idea to free up that disk, a preclear would be a good test of the drive.


I would copy/rsync the data off that drive to another if you have the space.  (Remember don't copy from a drive to a share, or you can loose data...)


The only real way to remove that drive is to do a new config.  So just create a new config minus that one drive, and then it will rebuild parity based off the new set of drives.  That should give you full protection back and once you test out that drive, you can add it back as a new drive.  I usually do a parity check right after the parity build just as a sanity check.

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It might not be a bad idea to free up that disk, a preclear would be a good test of the drive.


I would copy/rsync the data off that drive to another if you have the space.  (Remember don't copy from a drive to a share, or you can loose data...)


The only real way to remove that drive is to do a new config.  So just create a new config minus that one drive, and then it will rebuild parity based off the new set of drives.  That should give you full protection back and once you test out that drive, you can add it back as a new drive.  I usually do a parity check right after the parity build just as a sanity check.


I'm Rsync-ing now from /mnt/disk10/ (the problematic disk) to /mnt/disk4/ (was empty after the migration of all my data to XFS).  266GB done, 1.36TB remaining.


I know that it's not a good idea to rsync to a user share, but thanks for the reminder :)


I don't understand the new config ?  what do you mean ?  I don't want to loose all the data :! Do you have a step by step of what you mean by that ??

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Under tools, there is an Icon for a "New Config".  It basically clears your raid configuration and starts with an empty config.  Since the data disks are really individual filesystems, you can take the same group of data disks, and build a new parity drive from the new group of data disks.  These are the basic steps I have taken:


1.  I usually take a screen shot of the main  tab so you know the disks that were in place.  It doesn't really matter which disk goes back to which slot, but I usually keep them the same.

2.  Backup your /boot/config directory for reference

2.  Stop the array.

3.  Run the "New Config"

4.  Return to the Main tab and you will see all the slots, with no disks assigned just like a brand new unraid server.

5.  Assign all you disks back to the configuration minus the drive that you want to remove ( the one having the issues ) and make sure you use the same parity drive that you had before.  Very important you use the old parity drive so you don't wipe any data drives.  Also, I believe with the new beta, you have to select each disk and set the filesystem type to auto so it doesn't assume they are ReiserFS drives.

6.  Start up the array.

7.  The parity build will start and run for 10+ or so hours.

8.  All drives should show up with the correct filesystem type.  If any show up as unformated, there is a problem.

9.  As soon as the parity builds starts, your array should be up and running.


The only unknown here is with the new multiple filesystems.  From the post I read, it says you should select auto for the filesystem type so it will identify the filesystem correctly.  I have only done the new configuration under V5.

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Ok.  This morning, transfer is complete between the failing drive to the empty drive.  I did a screenshot of the config and used the "New Config" as you suggest.  It was the scariest thing I did since a while regarding my 10.1TB of data (with no backup yet... crashplan will take 8-9 months).


I did that :


1. Stop the array

2. Use the "new config"

3. Take a chill pill :o

4. Back to Main page, I re-added the drives where they were (triple-check the Parity drive to be sure!)

5. Started the array (I did not put back disk10 in the array and Moved disk11 to disk10).

6. Parity was invalid, it started a Parity-Sync automatically.


now at 6.1% (182GB done, at 135MB/sec, remains 5h55m).  I hope it will be good :)


After I started that, I also SSHed in and launch a Screen session with a preclear on the problematic drive.  I also registered all my drives (all Western Digital) to their website, I never did before! I have 2 batches of WD Red, 1 from January 2013 and 1 from April 2014.  The falling disk is from the 1st batch of buying, still under warranty for 496 days.  I'll wait to see the preclear result, but i might ask a RMA anyway, to be sure.

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If the drive passes preclear and doesn't have any SMART issues, I'd keep it, but be sure to check the SMART from time-to-time.    You still have plenty of time to do an RMA if it develops more issues -- but when you RMA a drive you're going to get a refurbished unit in return, so be sure your drive is really defective before making that swap.


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Ok.  This morning, transfer is complete between the failing drive to the empty drive.  I did a screenshot of the config and used the "New Config" as you suggest.  It was the scariest thing I did since a while regarding my 10.1TB of data (with no backup yet... crashplan will take 8-9 months).


I did that :


1. Stop the array

2. Use the "new config"

3. Take a chill pill :o

4. Back to Main page, I re-added the drives where they were (triple-check the Parity drive to be sure!)

5. Started the array (I did not put back disk10 in the array and Moved disk11 to disk10).

6. Parity was invalid, it started a Parity-Sync automatically.


now at 6.1% (182GB done, at 135MB/sec, remains 5h55m).  I hope it will be good :)


After I started that, I also SSHed in and launch a Screen session with a preclear on the problematic drive.  I also registered all my drives (all Western Digital) to their website, I never did before! I have 2 batches of WD Red, 1 from January 2013 and 1 from April 2014.  The falling disk is from the 1st batch of buying, still under warranty for 496 days.  I'll wait to see the preclear result, but i might ask a RMA anyway, to be sure.


Is the array accessible with all data still intact?

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Ok.  This morning, transfer is complete between the failing drive to the empty drive.  I did a screenshot of the config and used the "New Config" as you suggest.  It was the scariest thing I did since a while regarding my 10.1TB of data (with no backup yet... crashplan will take 8-9 months).


I did that :


1. Stop the array

2. Use the "new config"

3. Take a chill pill :o

4. Back to Main page, I re-added the drives where they were (triple-check the Parity drive to be sure!)

5. Started the array (I did not put back disk10 in the array and Moved disk11 to disk10).

6. Parity was invalid, it started a Parity-Sync automatically.


now at 6.1% (182GB done, at 135MB/sec, remains 5h55m).  I hope it will be good :)


After I started that, I also SSHed in and launch a Screen session with a preclear on the problematic drive.  I also registered all my drives (all Western Digital) to their website, I never did before! I have 2 batches of WD Red, 1 from January 2013 and 1 from April 2014.  The falling disk is from the 1st batch of buying, still under warranty for 496 days.  I'll wait to see the preclear result, but i might ask a RMA anyway, to be sure.


Is the array accessible with all data still intact?


Yes! Parity-sync is almost done.

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That procedure is pretty scary..  I was worried the first time I did it... It seems counter intuitive coming from a RAID 5 background that you can totally destroy your array, and still not loose any data... 


That is why I am a total unRaid convert now...


Parity-Sync completed, No errors.  The other drive is still preclearing.

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Ok, my Preclear is completed.  Now, I don't know what to think... From what I read, the disk seems fine.


Can anyone with knowledge on how to read those reports can comment on the health of that disk please ??


Attached is the reports.




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