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Can't start certain containers


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So yesterday I was able to install and configure: Couchpotato, PlexMediaServer, SABnzbd, Sickbeard, Transmission, and Maraschino.  Everything was working together all happy like.  This morning, I noticed that Couchpotoato, Sickbeard, and Transmission were stopped. I couldn't start them.  I did a reload and had to reconfigure everything.  So now they've been running together all day again until just checking them now.  Couchpotato, Sickbeard, and Transmission are off again, and I can't get them to start.  I stopped all containers and tried turning each one on.  Only Maraschino, Plex, and SAB would turn back on.  I thought containers were supposed to be isolated from each other, but it's looking like there's some weird conflict here. 


Can anyone tell me how I would even begin to start troubleshooting this issue?



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I swear I had it on a cache only share, but yup, that was the issue.  I had all my stuff pointing at /mnt/cache/appdata, and appdata was an array share (I swear I changed it because I messed this up when I first started a week ago).  So it had started to move my stuff, and since I pointed at /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user, things were breaking.  Changed containers to point to /mnt/user/appdata and changed the appdata share to be cache only and moved all files back to the cache drive. 



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I swear I had it on a cache only share, but yup, that was the issue.  I had all my stuff pointing at /mnt/cache/appdata, and appdata was an array share (I swear I changed it because I messed this up when I first started a week ago).  So it had started to move my stuff, and since I pointed at /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user, things were breaking.  Changed containers to point to /mnt/user/appdata and changed the appdata share to be cache only and moved all files back to the cache drive. 



One point to note that setting a share to be cache-only does not stop mover from moving files if there is already a corresponding folder on the disk shares.

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