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Unraid 6b10a High number of FlashDrive (boot device) writes


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On my main page I am seeing 102284 writes on my flash drive as of now. If I go back now as Im typing, it has already jumped to 102287. This number keeps climbing. Im not seeing anything in the log that would be doing this. I dont run much on my unraid setup. I use it mainly for Plex (64) and also have phpvirtualbox runnin on apache. those are the only add-ons I have. its all stock besides that.


Is this normal? I thougth once booted it ran off RAM mostly? I just had a flash drive die a couple weeks ago and had to rebuild my setup. Im thinking this may be why. I just cant seem to find what it is. Its now at 102300.


@11:59pm, 12 minutes later from OP, I turned off both the virtualbox and apache plugins and the writes are still going up @ 102350.


I still dont understand why. My Apache webserver root dir is located on my 2nd HDD, and my virtualbox symbolic link is on my 2nd HDD as well.

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All I can say is that running without any plugins I get hardly any writes to the flash, so it has to be something specific to your environment.


You could try disabling your plugins to see if that makes the writes stop.  If it does then you can try enabling them one at a time to find the culprit.


You could also try doing some 'lsof' commands from a telnet/console session to try and identify which app is opening files on the flash.

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