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parked drives during parity check


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I'm running a parity check (which for me is a 14 hour process  :'( ) and I'm down to the last couple of hours and four of my drives have parked themselves.  Is this possible?  My array is

parity    4gb

drive1  4gb

drive2  4gb

drive3  2gb

drive4  2gb

drive5  2gb

drive6  2gb

drive7  2gb


parity & first three are on the mobo controller and then the remaining are on two pci controllers (two on each).


The four non-mobo drives are now parked.  There is also significantly more free space on the four non-mobo drives. 


Does unRaid do something to determine when it gets to the end of data on drives?  If not I would have expected all of the drives to keep spinning through the entire parity check.





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Why would a drive that is only 2tb in size remain spinning when the system is reading data from the beyond the 2 tb region (2.001 to 4 tb)? Possible answers might be it is in the same controller group as other active drives and the user has spin up groups enabled. If thats not the case, then the drive should spin down after it idles out from no longer being used.

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BRiT,  that makes sense.  I just assumed that the parity check would keep them all spinning for the entire process. 


With about two hours to go a fifth drive has spun down.


However, I'm not sure why the smaller drives didn't spin down much sooner, like at about the half way point.  I'm going to decrease the spin down delay and see what happens next time.



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