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MariaDB and access to it


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long story short, had a major vm system crash and decided it was time to move from beta5a and xen to latest to start using kvm and docker. i used to have an ubuntu vm that ran all my apps but i want to migrate these to docker containers.


i have successfully got sickbeard up and running and even salvaged all my config from the ubuntu vm, pleased on that part. another service it ran was mysql for a central xbmc database and i would like to dockerise this also.


i have pulled down needo's mariadb docker but i'm a little stuck from here on. how do i open a session to it from command line? i need to access it to create the require xbmc user inside it.


my question is, is this possible or do i need an sql client? just i would prefer not to have to install client tools just to create a user, as thats all you need to do really.


sorry if this seems noobish, docker is quite new to me and any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

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