Plexconnect Docker

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Hi all,


I created my own Plexconnect docker that I fork from needo's plexconnect.  The different is that Instead of downloading a specific version, I get the "master" version (which is always the latest) but also, I added PIL in it so you can use the Fanart on the Apple TV!


To use them, you can enable them in the Settings inside the Apple TV PlexConnect option, in Movies and in TV section, they default to "hide", just put them to "show".


You can see what it will look inside the screenshot.


To use my docker, it's pducharme/plexconnect on Docker Hub.  You can remove your Container, re-use your "my-PlexConnect" but before "applying", just change needo/plexconnect to pducharme/plexconnect.





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i'm trying to add a variable (DNS).  It would see if there is a DNS variable set or not and if set, will launch PlexConnect once (to generate the default "Settings.cfg" then will kill it, and use 'sed' to replace the ip_dnsmaster= to ip_dnsmaster=$DNS that is the variable. 


Working on that, will let you know when it will work.

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Ok, it's done!


You can now specify when you create your container a variable "DNS".  The value need to be the alternate DNS ip address you want to use.  There is no validation, it assume that you put an ip address as the value.


Here is the details of what happen in background when you specify a DNS :


1. invoke (that creates the Default Settings.cfg with Google DNS in it).

2. run this SED command : sed -i 's/'$DNS'/g' /opt/plexconnect/Settings.cfg.  That replaces the Google IP with the one you specified.

3. Launch the and use the modified Settings.cfg.


Enjoy !

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How did you confirm it ?


Asking because it doesn't display in the Logs.  You actually have to enter the Docker bash and do a vi on Settings.cfg :


sudo docker exec -i -t YourPlexConnectDockerNameHere bash


After you'r inside PlexConnect docker's bash, you can do :


cd /opt/plexconnect

to go in plexconnect folder.


You can then type :  vi Settings.cfg


You'll see the ip_dnsmaster=WhateverIPAddress you set in the DNS variable.



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Thanks for this! I added this to my repos


but it does not show up for me in the drop down


What do I need to do to refresh it? Thx.


Little bit of a difference here.  There is the official docker repository that is where we download specific dockers from.  some users have made a GIT Repository that has a bunch of .xml files that the dockerman page reads and shows in the dropdown list.


So for me my template repo is


Pducharme did a great job updating this docker and has an official docker repo at, but to my knowledge has not made an XML repo for the docker man.


I know it gets confusing with Docker calling their page a repo and us unRAIDers calling the GITHUB where we house the XMLs repos as well.


So an easy answer...


  • If the repo link has a bunch of XML files in it (or folders containing all XML files) its a template repo to put in Dockerman. 
  • If the repo doesn't have a bunch of XMLs, its most likely a repo for that specific docker and not for our unRAID Dockerman page.


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  • 3 weeks later...



I added "ATVSettings.cfg" exception.  If you have already configured it the way you want in the current PlexConnect Docker, I suggest that you run from a SSH session to your Unraid Server :


docker exec -i -t PlexConnect bash


Then, from inside the docker, you can go in /opt/plexconnect and copy the ATVSettings.cfg to your /config/ATVSettings.cfg


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  • 2 weeks later...

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