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[SOLVED] 6.0-beta12 - Plugins Settings Page won't load


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I just recently upgraded from beta10 to beta12, and since doing so, all of my plugin settings page's load to a blank page.  The dynamix menus and everything are there, just the content is blank.  This has been making it difficult to update my plugins (i use Phaze plugins) and to stop/restart individual plugins.


Any thoughts on what it might be?

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I would guess that one of the plugins is not updated for the beta 12 GUI?


I would revert to a virgin install state and back up the USB drive; reformat it as if doing a new install;  add the .key file and the configuration files from the backup; and then see if it comes up OK.  If it does you can the start adding back the plugins one at a time until you locate the problem one.

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Thank you for the replies!  I found a post from Phaze saying he isn't updating his plugin's for it yet until a RC or stable build to prevent breaking plugins for any who are still on 6.0 beta 10 and below.


I was able to add commands to my GO file to make it work though!

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