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2 General questions


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So I'm very very new to unRAID and linuix in general so please bear with me here. 


I've got unRAID setup, and for the most part its working great... here's my general setup then i'll get to my questions.


Software wise I have:

I'm using unraid 6 b12 plus

I have plex installed via docker and working properly.

I have crashplan installed via docker (And i'm not sure its working or not, honestly i haven't figured out how to use it, nor have i really tried yet).

I have plex update installed via plugin (i believe i can remove this at this point).

I have APC UPS installed via plugin (and I think its working properly, but I haven't tested it).

I have a share called 'Media' for all things media related (set to use cache)

I have a share called 'backup' for personal stuff (set to use cache)

I have a share called 'CADstuff' for autocad work (set to use cache)

I have a share called 'apps' (set to use cache only)

I have a share called 'docker' (set to cache only)



Hardware wise i'm running:

Intel g3220 3.0 dual core

8gb memory

4x - 2tb drives (XFS)

1x - 120gb ssd cache drive (BTRFS)

I'm using a IBM 1015 SAS card in IT mode.

All network connections (mobos, switches, router, everything) is gigE.



So that's my basic system, now my two questions are


1.  I'm only seeing 25-30mb/s transfer speeds across my network.  I'm assuming i have a setting wrong somewhere?  I see other people reporting 100mb/s transfers.  If it helps I don't ever see anything actually copied to the cache drive.  I thought the general premise was it gets copied to the cache drive first and then Mover moves it to the array later on?


2.  I'm not sure if its one of the apps or what, but I consistently see my memory pegged.  My cpu usage will be 2-3% but my memory will be as much as 94% or at the least 75% (according to the dashboard).  I'm not necissarily having any performance issues, I just thought it was odd so much of the memory is suddenly being used all the time.  I could see Plex using some during scans or transcoding or something....but Plex isn't doing anything right now, and no one is watching anything, yet its still at 75%.


Any ideas how i can speed up transfer speeds, or what might be hogging the memory?


Thanks in advance and happy holidays.

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It appears that was the problem.  I changed it to say 4GB now and I tested it out.  The file i transfered is on the cache drive, and I did get 112 mb/s on the transfer.  Man I wish I had asked this question before I migrated all 4tb of data over at 30 mb/s :)



Anyway that's good to know, so that checks one question off the list.  Thanks!

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Sorry I didn't even notice it was a link, I thought that was your signature.


Thanks again for the help.




Read the link, makes total sense.  I had no idea it did that automatically.  That would explain why I never see any performance issues from it.


Thanks again, and happy holidays.

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