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Installed New Mobo/CPU. Can't find my IP address now.


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I had a unraid server installed on an older system, but it was getting a bit slow. I bought a new Motherboard, the Supermicro SM X10SL7-F, and CPU, Intel Xeon E3-1231V3.


I started up the new system with the USB I had always used and it seemed to start up fine. I used ifconfig to get my IP addy, but it didn't list one.


Attached is a picture.


What can I do to fix this?




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I tried the other LAN ports and also the IPMI port. I tried different ethernet cables. I tried going from my router and then from my switch. Frustratingly, none of these worked. I looked in my BIOS if there was anything disabled, but I didn't see anything that stuck out.

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What version of UnRAID are you using?


If v5, then (using a different flash drive) load a copy of the latest v6 Beta and see if it works okay.  I seem to recall there was an issue with NIC support for that board at some point, so it may be that you're using a version that doesn't support the onboard NICs.


If that's the case, you can probably get a driver for your version, but first confirm that it's okay with v6B12


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Using version 6 worked to get an ip. I was able to mount 3 of 9 drives (1 parity, 2 disks), but when I try to start the other 6 in the array nothing happens. It says "restart smb..." at the bottom and then just goes back to the array operations screen. Every drive was working well in my old array. Any ideas?

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If you did this test on a new flash drive (as I had suggested), then you just have the Basic version, which only supports 3 devices.


Since you know that's the issue, you need to put v6 on your licensed flash drive, and be sure the key file is there as well.  Be CERTAIN you save your key file -- it MUST be on the drive for UnRAID to provide the level of drive support you've paid for (I presume you have a Pro key since you indicated you have 9 drives).


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If you did this test on a new flash drive (as I had suggested), then you just have the Basic version, which only supports 3 devices.


Since you know that's the issue, you need to put v6 on your licensed flash drive, and be sure the key file is there as well.  Be CERTAIN you save your key file -- it MUST be on the drive for UnRAID to provide the level of drive support you've paid for (I presume you have a Pro key since you indicated you have 9 drives).


I was thinking in the night and I think this is probably the issue. I'll let you know later tonight.

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