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Unable to edit docker container settings


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Following a bad crash, I am now unable to update my dockers, and all of them say "NA" in the status column.


They start up correctly, and the panel does list all the port and path mappings correctly, and they do work. But when I click edit, I get a blank panel without any info (name, repository, ports, paths etc all blank).


I was looking for the settings files on the the boot usb, but not finding any. Are they in the docker volume (that 10GB BTRFS image), and is / can it be mapped somehow so one can have a look at what went wrong?


Or should I assume the volume is corrupted and start over???

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I checked the flash drive, and windows did want to scan it, but found no errors, and  there's no lost+found folder.


Squid: Will update my sig - but Yes, I went straight from 5.05 to 6b12. Never had the old dockerman.


I elected to start over, but even that was not straightforward. I stopped the docker system and chose a larger image size and renamed the old volume 'docker-old'. But here's the strange part, even after I had both stooped docker altogether and renamed the image, it was still mounted in /var/lob/docker (!).


This also caused my cachedrive to be busy when I tried to shut down the array (fsuser found LOTS of btrfs references). All datadisks unmounted as they should, but unraid kept trying to unmount the busy cache drive before stopping the array. The webgui stopped responding after I tried to reload it. Perhaps I should submit a defect report for that?


/root/mdcmd stop worked, and I was able to do a clean shutdown manually. Starting the docker adventure all over in a new image volume now. Will make a backup of /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan when I'm done..

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