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Wake on Lan plugin for unRAID 6.1


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Edit: as dmacias notes below, this was posted in the wrong thread, the link I provided for Proxmox is a WoL proxy which is not the purpose of the plugin in this thread.


dmacias, thank you very much for this! I hope you don't mind, but I have modified the code for use with Proxmox and created a quick guide for its usage here: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/wake-on-lan-script.32449/#post-160160

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dmacias, thank you very much for this! I hope you don't mind, but I have modified the code for use with Proxmox and created a quick guide for its usage here: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/wake-on-lan-script.32449/#post-160160

No problem but you posted in the wrong thread [emoji1]. This is a completely different plugin. Should go here. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=44017.msg420136.msg#420136 But I'm glad you found it useful. It's actually a modified version of someone else's script.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having an issue where I cannot make changes to the plugin settings. I'm trying to modify one of the MAC addresses and it just reverts back to the original. Trying to outright delete the entry also has no effect. It just returns when I go back to the plugin. Removing and reinstalling the plugin does nothing.


Where are the settings stored and why can't they be changed?


Also, as has already been mentioned the network scan function no longer seems to be working.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm having an issue where I cannot make changes to the plugin settings. I'm trying to modify one of the MAC addresses and it just reverts back to the original. Trying to outright delete the entry also has no effect. It just returns when I go back to the plugin. Removing and reinstalling the plugin does nothing.
Where are the settings stored and why can't they be changed?
Also, as has already been mentioned the network scan function no longer seems to be working.

Sorry for the late reply. Didn't get the notification. Everything is working fine for me. Just tried on my phone browser too. What version unRAID? Did you try different browsers? What's your unRAID network configuration?
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4 hours ago, dmacias said:

Sorry for the late reply. Didn't get the notification. Everything is working fine for me. Just tried on my phone browser too. What version unRAID? Did you try different browsers? What's your unRAID network configuration?

Using the latest 6.3.3. Somehow I got it modified but it required manually changing the wakeonlan.xml file and rebooting unRAID. I wonder if it's a file permissions issue but I'm not really sure.

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Using the latest 6.3.3. Somehow I got it modified but it required manually changing the wakeonlan.xml file and rebooting unRAID. I wonder if it's a file permissions issue but I'm not really sure.

There's no permissions on the flash drive since it's fat32 but it might have been corrupted somehow. Are you able to scan now?
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6 hours ago, dmacias said:

There's no permissions on the flash drive since it's fat32 but it might have been corrupted somehow. Are you able to scan now?


No, network scanning is not working. Last week it was giving me results but I don't believe it was working correctly as it was giving me the same results each time and there were computers active on the network that weren't showing in the results.

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I am also having issues with network scanning not working. Nmap works fine from shell, so it's not my firewall knocking it down. It just flashes using the webGUI. 


Tried Chrome 57.x and Firefox 47.x, same results. Running unRAID 6.3.3. Network config is active-backup, 2 gig ethernet. 


Let me know if there are more details I can provide. Thanks!

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I am also having issues with network scanning not working. Nmap works fine from shell, so it's not my firewall knocking it down. It just flashes using the webGUI. 
Tried Chrome 57.x and Firefox 47.x, same results. Running unRAID 6.3.3. Network config is active-backup, 2 gig ethernet. 
Let me know if there are more details I can provide. Thanks!

What variable is your server ip address under in /boot/config/network.cfg?
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4 hours ago, dmacias said:

What variable is your server ip address under in /boot/config/network.cfg?

I have a reservation set in my DHCP server for my unRAID box, so it isn't static from what unRAID knows. Would that cause it? 


# Generated settings:
BONDNICS[0]="eth0 eth1"

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I have a reservation set in my DHCP server for my unRAID box, so it isn't static from what unRAID knows. Would that cause it? 
# Generated settings:
BONDNICS[0]="eth0 eth1"

Yes that's the problem. I use the ip address to create an exception for nmap and an awk script to get unRAID's interface e.g. eth0. I too have an dhcp reservation but I do have an ip address in the network.cfg. But that may have been set by me, using a static address. I'll have to get the ip a different way. Can you check under the Tools menu and go to Vars. Then search for ipaddr or your ip address?
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38 minutes ago, dmacias said:

Yes that's the problem. I use the ip address to create an exception for nmap and an awk script to get unRAID's interface e.g. eth0. I too have an dhcp reservation but I do have an ip address in the network.cfg. But that may have been set by me, using a static address. I'll have to get the ip a different way. Can you check under the Tools menu and go to Vars. Then search for ipaddr or your ip address?

Is this what you're after? 


[eth0] => Array
            [BONDING] => yes
            [BONDNAME] => bond0
            [BONDNICS] => eth0,eth1
            [BONDING_MODE] => 1
            [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100
            [DHCP_KEEPRESOLV] => no
            [DNS_SERVER1] =>
            [BRIDGING] => yes
            [BRNAME] => br0
            [BRNICS] => bond0
            [BRSTP] => no
            [BRFD] => 0
            [DESCRIPTION:0] => 
            [USE_DHCP:0] => yes
            [IPADDR:0] =>
            [NETMASK:0] =>
            [GATEWAY] =>
            [MTU] => 
            [TYPE] => access

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I'm not sure I mentioned it before but last week network scanning appeared to be working but it was pulling the same list every time and computers that I knew were active on the network were not on the list. It's as if it was pulling a cached list from somewhere.


I use a static address but my system also has dual NIC's. The second is not attached. The one that is attached is eth0.

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I'm not sure I mentioned it before but last week network scanning appeared to be working but it was pulling the same list every time and computers that I knew were active on the network were not on the list. It's as if it was pulling a cached list from somewhere.
I use a static address but my system also has dual NIC's. The second is not attached. The one that is attached is eth0.

I can get the ip from the unRAID variables instead of network.cfg. I'll have to do some testing. I have dual nics also but second one is br1 just for vm's. Curious if eth1 shows anything under your Vars?

If all else fails I can make a settings page and populate it with my best guess and allow it to be changed if the wrong ip or interface is selected. The ip is also critical to nmap and setting the subnet to scan

Also I cache the scan at /var/log/wakeonlan/scan.xml. The clear button just empties the file.
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Ok, this is weird. I have my own Windows domain controller at my house to do DNS and I also have my own domain. I have a manual DNS entry for my unRAID server pointing to its static address. I also have a CNAME for my domain pointing to the local IP on my network.


The results from the scan are different depending on how I connect to my server on my local network. Also, the list of available computers is also different if I connect using just the hostname (http://unraid), not fqdn (http://unraid.bean.local). Another thing I notice is that the enumeration of hostnames is different between ways of connecting.

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I've been testing nmap from the command-line and it appears to give different results during different runs. Not sure what would be causing that to happen?

This is the command I use to scan. I take the server ip and exclude it then drop the last number and add 0/24 to the ip to scan the subnet.

/usr/bin/nmap -sn -oX /var/log/wakeonlan/scan.xml --exclude


To get it to scan in the plugin right now I think all you would have to do is add this IPADDR[0]="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

with your server's ip address to /boot/config/network.cfg. Shouldn't matter if you used automatic dhcp. The plugin is looking for that as it's currently written.


While I don't exclude ip addresses from the scan itself (except the server's ip), I do remove saved mac addresses when I build the scan page table. Also once you click to add a mac from the scan list, it is removed and then added to the saved table.



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  • 3 months later...

Hm, this is not working for me again. I changed the NIC settings on one of my desktops now that Intel ANS is working again under W10 allowing me to set up 802.3ad link aggregation for it. So I went to WoL and first tried to delete the old MAC association, but it would not take, (it would disappear but when I reloaded the plugin settings screen it was still there). Then I did a scan and nothing showed up. I removed the plugin and reinstalled. This time the old association was gone, but a scan still came up empty. I tried on a second unRAID server I now have for testing, (clean 6.3.5 install), and the same thing with nothing found in the scan. (The second server is less complex with only a single network interface and no aggregation.)

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7 hours ago, KFStein said:

Hm, this is not working for me again. I changed the NIC settings on one of my desktops now that Intel ANS is working again under W10 allowing me to set up 802.3ad link aggregation for it. So I went to WoL and first tried to delete the old MAC association, but it would not take, (it would disappear but when I reloaded the plugin settings screen it was still there). Then I did a scan and nothing showed up. I removed the plugin and reinstalled. This time the old association was gone, but a scan still came up empty. I tried on a second unRAID server I now have for testing, (clean 6.3.5 install), and the same thing with nothing found in the scan. (The second server is less complex with only a single network interface and no aggregation.)

I'm not sure about deleting the old MAC. Maybe corruption of the xml file on the flash. For scanning try the following command, substituting you ip and subnet.

/usr/bin/nmap -sn -oX /var/log/wakeonlan/scan.xml --exclude

Maybe post your network.cfg again also.

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Oh, what do you know, things show up on the web page now. So I added my desktop by clicking on it in the scan list (which remove it from there) and it showed up on the WoL tab. But then I navigated away and came back, and the desktop was gone from the WoL tab, (but was back on the scan list). I tried a few more times, did a reboot of the unRAID server and did another manual scan, but it would not seem to take. (FYI, I'm using Chrome on my desktop.) Then I put my desktop to sleep and used Dolphin browser on my phone. Now on the WoL tab my desktop showed up 6 times. So I deleted 5 of them, but when I navigated away then back to the WoL tab all 6 were back. Then I did remove all and they disappeared, but when I came back there were 6 again. So I did a FC on the browser and when I came back there were no entries on the WoL tab, but my PC did not show up on the scan tab! Now, back to the PC and it does show up on the scan tab, so I click on it and it moves over the the WoL tab, but disappeared again when I navigated back to the plugin page. SO, I then opened the Samsung browser on my phone and the WoL tab has one entry for my PC on it like it should. But Chrome (PC) and Dolphin (phone) do not show it! Next I cleared my cache in Chrome on the PC and...my PC is on the WoL tab like it should be. Next I turned on a different PC and on my desktop did a scan. It did not show up, but I cleared my cache and it's there. But it doesn't show up on my phone browsers (Samsung, Dolphin and Chrome). Then I cleared the cache on Chrome on my phone and it's there. Adding to the the WoL tab did not appear to take, but after clearing caches it's there as it should be. So, there seems to be some caching issue that at least affects Chrome on Windows/Android plus Dolphin and Samsung browsers on Android.

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