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Disk disabled - drive fine i think?


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I recently had a problem with my SAS card being dislodged slightly causing all sorts of disk errors, i quickly stopped the array however it disabled disk 6. Now when i boot back up disk 6 is still disabled.


How can i get it working again? i can do a SMART check on the disk and it all looks fine to me. Is there some procedure i need to follow to enable the disk?


1	Raw Read Error Rate	0x002f	200	200	051	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
3	Spin Up Time	0x0027	152	138	021	Pre-fail	Always	Never	9358
4	Start Stop Count	0x0032	095	095	000	Old age	Always	Never	5196
5	Reallocated Sector Ct	0x0033	200	200	140	Pre-fail	Always	Never	0
7	Seek Error Rate	0x002e	100	253	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
9	Power On Hours	0x0032	061	061	000	Old age	Always	Never	28791
10	Spin Retry Count	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
11	Calibration Retry Count	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
12	Power Cycle Count	0x0032	100	100	000	Old age	Always	Never	188
192	Power-Off Retract Count	0x0032	200	200	000	Old age	Always	Never	105
193	Load Cycle Count	0x0032	089	089	000	Old age	Always	Never	335771
194	Temperature Celsius	0x0022	116	107	000	Old age	Always	Never	36
196	Reallocated Event Count	0x0032	200	200	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
197	Current Pending Sector	0x0032	200	200	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
198	Offline Uncorrectable	0x0030	200	200	000	Old age	Offline	Never	0
199	UDMA CRC Error Count	0x0032	200	200	000	Old age	Always	Never	0
200	Multi Zone Error Rate	0x0008	200	200	000	Old age	Offline	Never	0

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