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Share not expanding and cache drive not being used


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unRaid version 6.14b


im having issues with a share and the cache drive.


The shares problem is that it won’t expand to another drive, disk 6 is full and won’t expand to disk 7.

No disks are excluded under global share settings

Share settings below




I have tried stopping and starting the array again and it made no difference, this is setup the same way other shares are setup with multiple drives.


The new share size shows with the additional drive added but it wont add things to it.


As for the cache, nothing is moved to the cache drive even though it is set to as shown above, this is the same for another share as well.


I have tried disabling the “use cache disk” settings and it made no difference.


Is anyone able to shed some light on whats going on?




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Can you give examples of the paths of some of the files?


It seems likely that the issue is likely to revolve around the setting you have chosen for Split Level.  The Split Level setting over-rides the Allocation Method setting when trying to determine which disk to use.

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Can you give examples of the paths of some of the files?


CP is trying to move the file from this location "/mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget/dst/movies/movie name" to ""/mnt/user0/Movies/New/movie name"


All movies use this path, Tv Shows which use disk 1-3 and have the same setting and get moved to "/mnt/user0/TV Shows"


hope that help


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I suspect it's indeed the split level -- you have that set to a very restrictive level (only the top level).


A couple other notes: 


-- you don't need to list Excludes when you've used the Includes to specify what disks you want in the share.  In fact, it's best to use only one of those -- either Include the disks you want; or exclude the disks you don't ... no need for both.


-- your min free is set pretty high.  Any reason you've got it set to high?



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Can you give examples of the paths of some of the files?


CP is trying to move the file from this location "/mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget/dst/movies/movie name" to ""/mnt/user0/Movies/New/movie name"


All movies use this path, Tv Shows which use disk 1-3 and have the same setting and get moved to "/mnt/user0/TV Shows"


hope that help

With the split level that you have selected, only the 'Movies' folder can be replicated across disks.  Therefore once the 'New' folder has been created on any disk, then all further content is restricted to that disk. 


In the case of the TV Shows you do not give an actual example.    However once any folder has been created under TV Shows in a similar way with the split level at 1  all further content is restricted to the disk where the folder was created.


I am not quite sure exactly what you are trying to achieve with the split level setting?  Perhaps a text description of how you want the splitting to happen might help with suggesting a suitable value for the unRAID settings

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I suspect it's indeed the split level -- you have that set to a very restrictive level (only the top level).


A couple other notes: 


-- you don't need to list Excludes when you've used the Includes to specify what disks you want in the share.  In fact, it's best to use only one of those -- either Include the disks you want; or exclude the disks you don't ... no need for both.


-- your min free is set pretty high.  Any reason you've got it set to high?


--i have now removed the excluded drives so i now only have Included.

-- no reason the free space was set high thats just figure i out in, as it so happens it wasnt working anyway as i have less than 5gb left on that drive


Can you give examples of the paths of some of the files?


CP is trying to move the file from this location "/mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget/dst/movies/movie name" to ""/mnt/user0/Movies/New/movie name"


All movies use this path, Tv Shows which use disk 1-3 and have the same setting and get moved to "/mnt/user0/TV Shows"


hope that help

With the split level that you have selected, only the 'Movies' folder can be replicated across disks.  Therefore once the 'New' folder has been created on any disk, then all further content is restricted to that disk. 


In the case of the TV Shows you do not give an actual example.    However once any folder has been created under TV Shows in a similar way with the split level at 1  all further content is restricted to the disk where the folder was created.


I am not quite sure exactly what you are trying to achieve with the split level setting?  Perhaps a text description of how you want the splitting to happen might help with suggesting a suitable value for the unRAID settings


I have changed the split level to 3 top directories and it moved the movie onto disk 7 which is what i wanted.


here is what im trying to achieve


Movies - All movies are moved under the new /mnt/user0/movies/new/moviename/files (split over disks 6&7)


TV Shows - All Shows are moved and stored like this /mnt/user0/tv shows/showname/season/files (split over disks 1,2,&3) All seasons should stay under the show name on the same disk.


With the above info what should my split levels be for each?




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I have changed the split level to 3 top directories and it moved the movie onto disk 7 which is what i wanted.


here is what im trying to achieve


Movies - All movies are moved under the new /mnt/user0/movies/new/moviename/files (split over disks 6&7)


TV Shows - All Shows are moved and stored like this /mnt/user0/tv shows/showname/season/files (split over disks 1,2,&3) All seasons should stay under the show name on the same disk.


With the above info what should my split levels be for each?

I think in both case you probably want a split level of 2.  This would mean that:


tv shows/showname

would be allowed to split across disks, but anything under that would not.  Not quite sure if TV might still be 1 if you are not happy for different seasons of the same show to be on different disks.  A value of 1 would mean that all season for showname would be constrained to the disk where showname was first created.


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I have changed the split level to 3 top directories and it moved the movie onto disk 7 which is what i wanted.


here is what im trying to achieve


Movies - All movies are moved under the new /mnt/user0/movies/new/moviename/files (split over disks 6&7)


TV Shows - All Shows are moved and stored like this /mnt/user0/tv shows/showname/season/files (split over disks 1,2,&3) All seasons should stay under the show name on the same disk.


With the above info what should my split levels be for each?

I think in both case you probably want a split level of 2.  This would mean that:


tv shows/showname

would be allowed to split across disks, but anything under that would not.  Not quite sure if TV might still be 1 if you are not happy for different seasons of the same show to be on different disks.  A value of 1 would mean that all season for showname would be constrained to the disk where showname was first created.


Thanks very much for your help.


i will make the changes to the split levels.

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