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How Do I Create a Swapfile on Version 6b14


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I have just upgraded to v6 from the stable v5. I basically started anew with all the plugins.


When I tried a download in Sab, when it went to Par check the download, I got a message:


  " Repairing failed, [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory"


I never had this problem before when running v5, I am thinking because I was using the Swapfile plugin. With the swapfile being stored on /mnt/disk1 (which is still formatted as Reiser. The swapfile plugin does not work on v6.


Is the a way to create a swapfile? I could not find a swapfile plugin for v6.


Please someone help me to fix this.





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Thank you Squid!!


;D ;D ;D


It worked perfectly... I followed your advice and placed the swapfile in my cache drive.


To make the change persistent (after a reboot), I added the following line at the end of my go file.


sleep 120
swapon /mnt/cache/.custom/swapfile


I put the sleep in there to give time for the boot process to mount all my drives and load my plugins.


I really appreciate your help and pointing me in the right direction.


BTW, Sab will repair and unpack my downloads without a hitch.


Thanks a million!



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