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some qustions


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1. i forgot my pass of my user, so i enter from root, how i know which user i connect now? what is the difference? how i switch to my user?

2. i don't succeed to add the  list of all the dockers sources. also i didn't understand  in the main window on docker (before i enable) what i need to put on "Docker image:" , if  i need to do before a new share and call it docker?

3. where and how  i save every new "addon docker"? which folder?


i read the guides, but i still complicated with this.


thanks! (sorry on my english)


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1. i forgot my pass of my user, so i enter from root, how i know which user i connect now? what is the difference? how i switch to my user?

You can set the password for a user by going to the Users page and clicking on a user.

2. i don't succeed to add the  list of all the dockers sources. also i didn't understand  in the main window on docker (before i enable) what i need to put on "Docker image:" , if  i need to do before a new share and call it docker?

Do you have a cache drive? That is the best place for the docker image. You must put the docker image on an actual disk, such as /mnt/cache or /mnt/disk1. I have mine at /mnt/cache/docker.img. It is not really necessary to have a share for the docker image, but you should have a share for storing the data for docker containers, preferably a cache-only share. Name the share appdata and that will conform to some of the docker templates.

3. where and how  i save every new "addon docker"? which folder?

When you add a docker, unRAID downloads and saves it for you. Usually you must fill in the form to tell the container where to access your unRAID data.


i read the guides, but i still complicated with this.


thanks! (sorry on my english)

Have you seen the noobie docker setup guide
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1. i set a new password, but how i know which user iam right now? because i enter to "root"

Are you entering root to login to the webGUI in your web browser, or are you using root to login to your user shares in Windows Explorer or Finder or whatever you browse files with, or are you using root to login to console or telnet? These are all separate logins. Which are you talking about?

2. i dont have cache. so where to store?

If you don't have cache then you can put it on one of your other disks, but it will probably keep it spinning and cause parity writes all the time.

3. what is mnt?

/mnt/disk1 is how unRAID refers to disk1. /mnt/cache is how unRAID refers to the cache drive. /mnt/disk2 is how unRAID refers to disk2, etc. /mnt/user/myshare is how unRAID refers to a user share named myshare, etc. You can't use a user share for docker image. You must use an actual disk.


What is your native language? Perhaps someone on the forum speaks it.


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1. i enter to root from the system ( i plugged screen and keyboard - because  i didn't saw the system on webgui.

2. so u recommend to had cache disk? its one disk from 4 that i put on the system

3. ok, so  i need to create a share, and call it in some name and copy it to the line.

4. in the homeLAN everybody can see all the disks and the shares on the system, how i change it that only the shares they will see?


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In the webGUI, click on Shares. All of the shares will be listed. Click on one of the shares and that will take you to a page where you can set the security on that share.


Suggest you spend a little time just exploring the webGUI. Click the Help in the upper right and it will give you help for each of the pages. You can probably figure out a lot for yourself that way.

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