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Set Icon for a VM?


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In the VM Manager with rc1 is there a way to set an icon for a VM other than choosing an OS from the drop down list of OS?    For instance I have a Mac VM and do not see how I can set an icon that is appropriate.


Even for those on the list it would be nice if when creating a VM one could point to an icon file to be used to over-ride the default.  For instance I might want different flavours of icon for different Windows versions.

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In the VM Manager with rc1 is there a way to set an icon for a VM other than choosing an OS from the drop down list of OS?    For instance I have a Mac VM and do not see how I can set an icon that is appropriate.


Even for those on the list it would be nice if when creating a VM one could point to an icon file to be used to over-ride the default.  For instance I might want different flavours of icon for different Windows versions.

Given the reply in another thread about Apple's feelings on vm's, I don't expect them to include the icons. However you can copy the 96x96 images in your go file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images and then change the image name in your xml. Or create a package with makepkg that installs them to that location and put in your extra folder.

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