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1 mouse and 1 keyboard to rule them all ?


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I totally understand that this may not be possible and I don't really care about the kvm switch , but really just looking for a solution to be able to use only one mouse and keyboard throughout the whole system simultaneously without switching cables or anything.


my setup right now for the content of this post  is 2 systems


#1 is unraid has windows 8.1 passthrough with gtx 660ti 8gb ram and kvm switch  passed through  (showing as my keyboard model) and keyboard works but  have to pass through seperate mouse for mouse functionality,


#2 my work system with same keyboard and mouse connected to switch and works flawless,but plan on moving this to unraid as well in the near future.


is there a way to get my kvm switch working properly with both mouse and keyboard ? or is there another solution out there that I may not know of that would work better to do what I need to achieve?



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I already have a synergy license and use it often , for some reason in my brain I was thinking that since I was passing kb and mouse through that I wouldn't be able to do that,momentary lapse of reason i guess ,    but yes i have it all set up windows 8.1 vm thats always on and set up as the synergy server and then another linux vm as client and my seperate windows 8.1 work machine as client and its working beautifully with all machines and a backup kb and mouse for my  work machine in case i need to reboot unraid.

Thanks for the reply ghunter .


P.S. I'm so psyched about my new setup, I have eliminated 2 machines so far and working on 2 more!  unraid + docker + kvm + synergy FTW


seriously my vision over the past couple years for what I wanted unraid to become is now a reality - an all in one one super machine ! Thank you limetech!

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I already have a synergy license and use it often , for some reason in my brain I was thinking that since I was passing kb and mouse through that I wouldn't be able to do that,momentary lapse of reason i guess ,    but yes i have it all set up windows 8.1 vm thats always on and set up as the synergy server and then another linux vm as client and my seperate windows 8.1 work machine as client and its working beautifully with all machines and a backup kb and mouse for my  work machine in case i need to reboot unraid.

Thanks for the reply ghunter .


P.S. I'm so psyched about my new setup, I have eliminated 2 machines so far and working on 2 more!  unraid + docker + kvm + synergy FTW


seriously my vision over the past couple years for what I wanted unraid to become is now a reality - an all in one one super machine ! Thank you limetech!


You're welcome  8)


That said, it wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for the countless community members that have helped by writing / merging code, testing configurations, and assisting others in the forums (like here).  You guys are the real heroes.  We're just the ones fortunate enough to be in the drivers seat.

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