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How do I increase /tmp size


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How do I increase the /tmp size?


root@Dave-San:~# df -h /tmp
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
-               454M  454M     0 100% /


not really sure where it is taking the space from.  I have 1024M assigned to the VM, I could increase it if thats how it assigns the size


Or I could just make a /tmp folder on the cache drive and mount it I guess


edit:  ahh shoot, didn't mean to put this in 5.x support.  This is on Unraid 6

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It seems to use half your memory as the max size to assign to "/".


I have 8 GB memory and my output shows the following:


# df -h /tmp
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
-               3.9G  361M  3.6G  10% /

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