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Just upgraded to rc6, no more XEN?


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Just curious, since I upgraded to unRAID 6.0 (rc or 6.0.0) my unRAID webGui has become unresponsive quite a bit.  Sometimes for hours.  Is there any way to cure that?  I mean, after all, the webGui is the heart and soul of unRAID, it should have a failsafe.  If I kill the process and try to start it again I get a seg fault.

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Just curious, since I upgraded to unRAID 6.0 (rc or 6.0.0) my unRAID webGui has become unresponsive quite a bit.  Sometimes for hours.  Is there any way to cure that?  I mean, after all, the webGui is the heart and soul of unRAID, it should have a failsafe.  If I kill the process and try to start it again I get a seg fault.

That is abnormal.    The normal reaction is that the Web GUI is far more responsive than previous releases.


It might be worth using the Diagnostics option on the Tools tab and posting the resulting ZIP file to see if anyone can spot a likely cause?  Also, what OS and browser are you using - this seems to sometimes be relevant.


I agree that not being able to restart emhttp can be an issue.  I always wonder why GUI has not been moved to being hosted by a more traditional web server such as Apache.

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Well, since I had emhttp issues before, I stopped docker and wham, it came right up.  Something to do with the docker...

Interesting.  In theory this should not happen but it obviously has for you!


It might be worth mentioning what dockers you are running, and perhaps provide screenshots of their settings page to see if anyone can spot anything. Could there be any issue with the drives that docker might be trying to use.


Another thought is to use the Diagnostics option on the Tools menu and post the resulting ZIP file to see if anyone can spot anything.


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It was the docker size.  I had it to 5gb (since I was just running AirVideo) but after I installed Plex docker it must have ran out of space probably.  It's all up and working now, raised the size to 32gb.

I think that some way needs to improve the error reporting so this particular problem becomes easier to diagnose.

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