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VMs causing instability?


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I am running 6 stable and have 1 windows 8 vm running on it. It has 3 cores and up to 4GB of memory. Since upgrading to 6 i noticed that after a while my unraid machine would become unresponsive and i would have to manually power it down. Today i have finally narrowed it down to this happens only when the VM is running as it has yet to happen when the VM is not running. Most recently I was working on the VM until about 5pm and now at 8:30pm my machine is unresponsive. Attached is a syslog from a couple of days ago when this was happening, i thought i had managed to copy it to my flash from the command line before powering off but apparently i did not. If this syslog will not work let me know and i can try to recreate


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System specs are i7-3770 / 16GB RAM


When i type diagnostics on the command line i get this - cp: cannot stat ‘/boot/config/*.conf’: No such file or directory

Interesting.  I just tried it on my own system and did not get that error.    Looking on the flash drive there is a smb-extra.conf file - I am guessing that is not present on your system.  Having said that is it actually a fatal error (i.e. did you look to see if a ZIP file was created in the 'logs' folder on the flash drive).


I ran the diagnostics from the Tools menu and have attached that, hopefully they are the same thing

The option from the Tools menu should invoke that same script to create the zip file.  Since that obviously finished OK I was wondering if the error you mentioned when invoked from the command line can be ignored. 
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Ok, the next time this occurs, can you get the diagnostics from the local console?  There should be good info in there after it enters this state so we can diagnose what's going on.


Also, to confirm, from the local console you are able to safely shut down the system after this occurs, yes?

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Rebuild and parity checks are both complete. Tried running the VM again and my machine became unresponsive again after a while. I forgot to grab a diagnostics report though while it was unresponsive, any other ideas on how to proceed?

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